Stop the world

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Opening my eyes, I saw the rising sun through the window. It was beautiful. Red and round. With all colors of yellow and orange around it. Interesting thing was that it wasn't raining. Hm, not raining in London. Something's wrong. Or maybe... Everything's right?

I got out of my bed, feeling relieved. I was smiling. It was 5:30 in the morning, why the hell was I smiling?!

"There are no strings on me. I am free..."

That's right, my alarm clock tune, the hell I am! Free like a bird. Free like a fucking sparrow jumping around searching for food! Hm, food... I could eat something. It was Saturday. I loved Saturday. But, wait. Why the fuck I was awake at 5:30 on a Saturday? Well, you may have guessed. I was rested. Finally.

Last night, after the breaking up, I fell asleep like a baby. I was relaxed and calm. And my body finally took a rest it needed so badly. Relief was written all over my face. I saw that now, looking at the mirror. Wow, I wasn't tired or anything. I took some things from the fridge to make a breakfast. Then took my laptop to finish some things for work. Then took a shower. And sang in it. I never fucking ever do that. But, hey. There's a first time for anything. The time passed quickly, and it was 12 o'clock.

"You require my assistance? *epic choir singing*"

My message tone. Yeah, weird. Google it, you'll understand how funny it actually is to hear that. And I don't care how old I am, I can still have fun.

"Hello :) Are you free to talk?"

My heart started racing. Message was from Tom.

"Hi :) Yes, I am :)"

Two point three seconds later, my phone started ringing.


-Hi, Clara, how are you?-

-Hi, Tom. Very well, thank you. How are you?- I asked through a wide smile.

-Pretty damn fine, thank you.- Tom responded chuckling. -I was wondering, if you are free tonight, would you like to go on a dinner with me?-

Staying calm and not yelling "YEEEEEESSSSS" in that particular moment was very hard for me. But, one of only few good things about me was self-control.

-That would be very nice, Tom.- I said calmly, with a smile, so he knows how happy I am to see him later. I heard him let out a breath. I couldn't believe this. He was holding his breath while asking me out. Never had a man do that because of me.

-Good! I'm glad. Then, I'll pick you up at 8?-

-Or, we can meet somewhere?-

-No. Absolutely no. I'll pick you up.-

-OK then, if you insist.-

-I absolutely do.-

-Alright then, Mr. Absolutely.-

I heard him laugh. I gave him my address, and we said goodbye. I went to the sofa and sat there, looking blankly at the wall.
Then that horrible thought hit me like a train! My palms started sweating, my stomach clinched, my head became heavy, when I realised:

I had only 8 hours to get ready for a date with Tom Hiddleston.

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