The End

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Tom was starring at me, not understanding anything. And, to be frank, I didn't even judge him. Everything looked quite weird.

-Excuse me?- he whispered, looking at me in disbelief.

I smiled a bit, like that was the explanation for my behaviour:

-I sad that I love you. Come in.-

Tom looked at me, slowly shaking his head, as he picked up his bag and slowly walked inside. I closed the door, as he went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water. I locked the door, while he went to the sofa and sat on it.

-Clara? Will you, please, join me on this sofa?- he asked in a polite tone. It sounded like he talked to the child. I smiled to myself, finally realizing how insane I probably looked.

-Sure, I'll just pour myself a glass of water. Would you like a cup of tea?- I asked him calmly.

The man probably thought I was crazy, and I admit that I would think the same thing if he was the one to put up the show like this. But he just smiled at me, and whispered:

-Yes, please.-

* * *

We sat for an hour and a half while he told me everything about his trip, play and that woman. The story between them was finished just a few days before he met me. He said that, he was not planning on having anything with me, he was there just to try to save me from my boyfriend. Well, to make me break up with Matthew.

-So, why did you take my number then?- I asked calmly. Tom blushed, and I could see that he can't bring himself to lie to me again.

-You were beautiful, and you were so lonely. I just wanted to give you everything that you deserve.- he said, looking me right in the eyes trough his glasses.

-That's such a cliche, Tom.- I said almost trough laugh. He looked at me, and smiled:

-When heard, it is. But when felt, it isn't.- he said putting his hand over mine. My eyes widened. How could he say something like that, so calmly, just after I had a mental break down in front of him?

-And how do you feel now?- I asked quietly. He smiled, coming closer to me.

-Now, I feel like I need to hug you and tell you how much I'm sorry for not being completely honest with you.-

I blinked.

-Tom, almost two hours ago you went trough a scene with me. I acted like a crazy person. How is it possible that you're the one apologising?-

He smiled, showing his beautiful, white teeth.

-I had to, because I was the one who has never done the one thing I said was the most important.-

His lips were dangerously close to mine now. I swallowed.

-And what was that?-  I asked in a voice just above whisper, while soft smile danced over my lips.

Tom licked his lips:

-I have never told you that I love you. So, now I'm telling you that, my dearest Clara, I love you. I want to show you that every day, ever...-

-Tom, just promise me, from now on, that you will be honest with me.-

He smiled:

-I promise.-

I smiled and kissed him. Dear god, I missed his mouth so much... He hugged me tightly, now planting soft kisses all over my face. I giggled like a little girl.

-Oh, Tom?- I sang trough giggle. He stopped, smiling warmly at me:

-Yes, darling?-

I smiled, and planted a soft kiss on his nose:

-Keep loving me out loud, if that's not too much to ask.-

Tom laughed, saying "I will", and hugged me so tight I forgot I was ever mad at him.

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