the BEGINNING of it all

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It was 7 in the morning. Brennan was making coffee for Booth and herself. Booth came in and walked right up behind her, raped his arms around her wast and kissed he neck.

"Good morning Booth." Brennan said melting into his arms. As she turned around Booth continue to kiss her neck. Once she was fully turned he started to kiss her jaw line all the way up to her mouth. The kiss was full of passion and love. Brennan put her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her. Booth lifted her up and put he on the counter as he kissed her neck. They pulled apart for a second as Booth takes of his black t-shirt. As soon as the shirt came off they went straight back to kissing. Booth start to move his his hands under her shirt, and was just about to take off her shirt when both their phones went off.

"No, leave them let them ring." Booth mumbled into the kisses and continue to kiss he neck and jaw line.

"Booth their mite be a case." she replied and she started to pul away and reach for her phone, but Booth stopped her and grabbed her hand and kissed it going up her arm and to her neck taking of her shirt on the way. 

"they can deal with it. come on lets take this up stairs, shell we?" Booth asked kissing her with even more love and pation then the others. 

"you know..." Brennan tried to say but stoping to kiss Booth more. "i can't..." taking another break to kiss Booth. "not if i want to keep my job." she was finally able to finish he sentence. 

"you also know that your the best..." he kissed her. "they need you to much." Booth said picking her up and cringing her bridle stile up to their room. Laying her down on their bed he took of his paints pulling then down with his boxers. she took her paints of as well. Booth jets on top of her kissing her lips with love. Just then the doorbell sounded.

"Really?!?!?!?!" Booth said sounding kind of mad. "i'll get it." He said get up and getting dressed. Just before he left the room he kissed her. Not wanting to leave he left the room and to the door. He opened the door to see Sweets right their.

"Hey you didn't answer you phone and nether did Brennan so i figured i would come and make sure you were ok." Sweets said looking at Booths close and how he was wearing sweets and a dark blue t-shirt. just then Brennan came down all dressed in her work close.

" Hi sweets, come in, what are you her for." As soon as she said come in Sweets pushed his way through Booth to the kitchen were Brennan was getting the coffee that surprisingly was not cold yet she poured a cup for her and Booth. she turned to Sweets "do you want any?" she asked.

"no i was just coming by to see if you were ok, you two didn't answer your phones which isn't normally like you Brennan." Sweets said 

"We are ok, I'm going to go get ready." Booth said coldly and half made at him for interrupting. He walked over to Brennan and kissed her and took the coffee mug and went up to change.

-------------------------------------------------------------------- the next day at the lab-------------------------------------

"26 year old coaction man." Brennan said examining the set of remans in front of her.

"So where did this one get found?" asked Brennan's intern Daisy.

"She was found under the sea, some diver found it." replied Hodgins.

"It should be easy to do a face, the skull is in tacked." said Anglia walking of to start to give the poor person a face.

Booth walked up to the platform and said, "i got some news....... we got another body."

"we are already working on a case. can't it wait?" Brennan replied before anyone els had the time to reply.

"well they think their the same." 

"why do they think that." asked Cam.

"It had the same kind of thing. naked with the same home made top and in water, and a 26 year old coacation man."

"bring him in." Brennan huffed that their was another person dead.

As they looked at the two sets of remans and found more ways they were the same. Nothing was different then the other. They had the same wounds, shot through the hands and feet and cut off their tung. then drowned when they were tied under water with a big bolder that in their blood. One said 'i kill because i love, i love because kill.' which is a direct quote from Brennan's new book that she just published and was out for only a week. The other said 'I did it for you, my love, so we can be together, so we can be free form the world.' Witch was another quote fro her other book. Brennan has 4 books done and is working on another. Booth thinks that because their is 2 other books out that their will be two other bodies.

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