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When Booth and Sweets got to the sighting they got out with their guns in hand and looked around. two shoots where fired from behind a wall . Booth hid behind the car and yelled to Sweets, "are you ok." 

sweets replied with a "yeah," and booth looked at the wall from where the shots were from. he saw a silent turn and run down the ally. Booth got up and chased the person he got a good look and new right away it was Jim. He sprinted after him. Jim ran around the block and back to where sweets was but sweets didn't know he was their and jim got in his car and went Speeding down the road.

"theirs his car!!!" Booth shouted and pointed to Jim getting in his car and driving away from them. Booth grabbed his gun and shot at his car. He hit the car because he always hits his target.  Even though he hit the car nothing happened or so he thought.  Booth ran to get in his ca4r and raced down the road after him. Sweets was in the passenger side. the sirens were on. Sweets rolled down the window even though it was cold out. he stuck his face and handout that had a gun and he shot at the car hitting it every time. Now back to when Booth shot at the car he hit the gas main witch made it start to leak. When Sweets shot at it the bullet hit the metal and made a spark witch then hit the gas and it exploded. the car Booth and Sweets was in didn't have a scratch on, because just be for the explosion Jim took a turn and so a building was blocking the two cars. Jim did get hit with the explosion but it didn't kill him. Booth got out of the car and ran to him who was on the ground craving away with the gun still in his hand. Booth ran up to him Jim lifted the gun and aimed it at booth, but Booth was to fast and shot him in-between his two eyes."got you." booth said just before Jim dropped dead  and dropped his gun. Booth kicked it way and felt for a pulse just to make sure he was dead. 

Bones was laying on the bed in the hospital waiting for a call from Booth saying that he was fine. then her phone went off she didn't even look at who it was. "hello?? Booth!?!?!?" Bones asked wanting it so badly for it to be Booth. but at last it was not...

"hey  Honey how you holding up. you ok do you want me to come to you." It was Angela's sweet voice full of congress over her friend her not know what has happened with Booth and Sweets as well. 

"i am fine. you don't need to come. did you hear anything about Booth??" Bones asked not giving up on the possibility of him being totally fine.

"no Sweetie i haven't herd a thing. be half and get well i have to go. bye love ya." Angela said hanging up.

Bones put the phone down but not to far that she could easily pick it up and answer any call. then her phone went off this time she looked at who it was. it was Booth she picked it up as soon as she saw his name. "Booth, Booth is it you??? please tell me you are ok." Bones said hopeful. 

"yeah its me. I'm fine but Jim is not i will explain when i get back to the hospital. ill bet their in about 30 minutes." he said into the phone. he was where the explosion was.

"ok just come back soon. Bye oh and booth i love you." she said happy that he was ok she had tiers in her eyes. 

"i will. I love you too Bones." he said "i got to go." he added and hung up. 

Bones waited and waited then she saw him walk through he door she smiled at him. he walked din and saw her laying their smiling at him he smiled back and went right up to her and kissed her not to hard so he wouldn't hurt her. the kiss lasted for a long time but they needed air so they took broke apart. it didn't last for long as soon as they got air he kissed her again. *cough* Angela who was standing at the door watching it all had a great big smile on her face. 

"I'm sorry to break up this love fest but the doctor wants to see you Booth." she said stepping in the room. 

"ok ill be back Bones." Booth said kissing her one more time and walking out the door to meet with the doctor. booth walked back in after talking with him for a couple of minutes. " he said that you will be able to go home by next week Monday, but you will have to take it easy if you do. witch means no work and bed rest for a couple of days. and" he lend in and said the rest so Angela couldn't hear him. "and we can't get to ruff in bed." and kissed her lips.

with Booth still face to face with her Bones replied, "oh man you still owe me that date from earlier." 

"i know and i promise you it will happen just in a about 3 weeks." he said kissing her again and backing away. Angela was now on the phone with Hogans and the others telling them what happened but leaving out the part of the kissing. 

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