one SHOT for who

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------–----------------------------------------------The same day as last ------–----------------------------------------------"you know I can't let you Bones." Booth said chasing after Bones as she ran to the car to go to the new body. 

"Booth it's my job, it's what I do. I'll be fine you will be with me and so will other cops and other people as well.please Booth." Bones pleaded with her puppy dog face.

"You know I can't say no to that face....... Fine you can go but I want you in my eye site at all time and I want you to have your gun on you." Booth said after a while giving up. He new he couldn't keep her from going. They got into the car and went to where the body was. The body was found in a trash can filled with water. The body was like stuffed into the can not just floating like the other three.

"Bones just be safe ok. Promise me you won't go off and like get the killer bye your self ok." Booth said looking at her. He was driving like always. He looked over to her briefly the  back to the road.

"I promise Booth, I love you so much." Bones said resting her hand on his leg.

They soon arrived at the crime scene, the quote scared Booth. 

'It's time. You know I'll find and get you. I love you, and we will be together soon.'  As soon as he read it he said "Bones we are leaving and you aren't leaving the house." 

"Ok." Bones gave up when she read it and saw Booths face and the concern he had.

they both got back into the car and went back home. It was lunch time, so bones went to make some lunch.

"what are you cooking?" Booth asked as he walked into the kitchen and raped his arms around her looking over her shoulder.

"ham and cheese sandwiches." Bones replied turning around with two plates with sandwiches and chips. 

"mmmmm"Booth said taking a plate from her and kissing her. he pulled away and went to sit down. Bones sat down next him. and they sat their talking and eating trying to forget about the fact that a mad man was trying to kill Bones, but it didn't last long Bones phone rang. "who is it?" Booth asked as she looked at her phone she saw that it was from Angela.

"its fine its Angela." Bones said picking up her phone and hitting the answer button.

" hello." she said into the phone. "yeah. ok. talk to you later bye." she hung up.

"what was that about." Booth asked taking a bite of food.

"she wants to face tie me so we can talk about the case." Bones said getting up to get her computer. she set up face time and called Angela. "hey Angela." 

"hey sweetie, and Booth." Angela replied seeing Booth next to her setting a chip.

Booth with food in his mouth waved hi and went out of the pic to eat more food before he looses his appetite. "Angela what do we have so far?" Bones asked.

"well we know that he drugs them, shots them as they stay alive, then takes them to wear he wants to display them. their he cuts their tung off and writes the message, and he keeps the tung. he then ties the person with home made rope, and then the top to a rock then puts them to drown in a thing of water." she said looking at her screen playing it on her computer. 

"we also know that they struggle for about t15 to 20 min before they are drugged."Daisy said walking in with Hogans. 

"I found out who he makes the rope." Hogans then explain the boring process of rope making.

"ok, so we now like nothing about the killer only how he kills and his end game." Booth said reentering the view.

"well i know that he did all of this to impress Brennan and i think he thinks that if he can get her to fall in love with him and leave you. yet if sh doesn't he will make her." sweets said. Sweets entered the room while Hogans explained the rope process.

"well thats no help. it only tells us that the killer just wants Bones and that will never happen i will not let her out of my sight." 

"Literally" Bones cute off Booth. "anything else?" 

"no not yet." Angela said.

"ok let me know if you need me." Bones said and closed her computer.

"you are not going in if they need your help, you do know that." Booth said looking at her and her beauty. 

"Booth ill be fine ok." 

"no, i am not letting you out of my sight."

"you can come with me and follow me around." Bones said giving him her puppy dog face.

"fine." Booth finally gave up and they got ready to leave, but just as they were about to leave Booth stop Bones and she turned around. "Bones just be safe, i love you so much i don't know what i would do without you." Booth said looking at Bones only inches away.

"ill be fine, i love you too." Bones said leaning in and kissing him. they stood their kissing each other. Booth raped his hands around her wast and Bones put her arms around his neck. Booth pulling her closer to him. all of a sudden they was gun shot. as soon as Booth heard the shot he pulled Bones down to the ground. but she was already on the ground with blood on her shirt.

"Bones, Bones." he said putting his hands on the wound. she  was shot in the gut it just hit her gut. Boot pulled out his phone and called 911. "Bones stay with me. Keep your eyes on me, keep them open. COME ONE." he repeated over and over putting more preture on her wound. 5 min later the cops cam rushing in. So he was flowing the ambulance to he hospital. he had his sirens on not caring about anything in the world but Bones. In the car he called Angela, who he knew would tell everyone else for him.

When he got their he ran inside with Bones. he went down the hall next to the roller that she was on. when they got to double doors a nurse stopped him, "Sir you need to stay in the waiting room please." 

"no i can't leave her." Booth yelled after them, but the doors closed right in front of him. No mater how hard he tried to open the doors they didn't open. After a while of struggling with the door he gave up and went to the waiting room. When he opened the door he saw Angela and every one else. They all ran up and hugged him.

"what happened?" cam asked.

"we were about to go to the lab but we stopped to kiss and then i heard a gun shot and...and... and..." Booth couldn't finish the sentence with out tiering up. He normal never cry in front of people except Bones. 

hours passed and no word on Bones. Booth for the pat 2 hours just walked back and forth in the waiting room. Every one but Angela, Hogans, and of course Booth left. Angela was sleeping with her head on Hogans shoulder with his arm raped around her and his head on hers and he too was asleep. A nurse walked out "Temperance Brennan?" the nurse said looking for any one with her. As soon as Booth herd her name he ran over to the nurse hoping for the best. 

"yes I'm with her, any tell me how is she." Booth asked scared that something bad happened to her.

"Dr. Brennan is fine we got the bullet out and she is fine it was hard to find the bullet because the bullet was so small and went really far into her gut." the nurse said as happy and calmly as if nothing happened. but to Booth who was now some what relived and all he wanted to do was hug her and kiss her and hold her in his arms. 

"What room is she in?" Booth asked as Angela and Hogans took a deep breath hearing that their friend was ok. 

"Room 119."the nurse said and as soon as he heard that he took of down the hall sprinting in his suit that still had Bones blood all over it as well as his arms, but he still tried to get most of the blood of of his hands earlier  when Angela begged him and told him that Hogans would find him if they find anything out. Once Booth found the door with the number 119 on the door h open the door and saw her laying their peacefully with the light from the sun from out side shine on her. He saw the big window and closed the blinds. He pulled up a chair and sat down knowing that the was not going to go anywhere until she woke up and was able to leave with him. After he sat down Angela and Hogans walked in in a hurry. 

"oh sweetie!!!"Angela said looking at he best friend and how pail she was, she truly looked terrible. She turned to Hogans and cried into his shoulder. 

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