the BEGINNING of a NEW life

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---------4 weeks. Bones injuries has gotten better and she was now moving and able to go to work.-------

"Bones are you ready for your doctors appointment?" Booth asked walking into the living room to see her struggling to put her shoes on. "let me help you." he said walking over to her. he knelt down and slide her show on like cinderella. he looked up and looked into her eyes.

"thanks." Bones said, her hurt melting with his dark brown eyes.

"your welcome." he said standing up and holding out a hand to help her up. she took it and she stood up. They never let their eyes off of one another. she stood on her tip toes and kissed him with love. he raped his arms around her waist and she raped her around his neck. the kiss was deep and full of love and desire for one another. it was about 5 and a half weeks sense they went all the way. 

"we better go so i can get cleared and you can take me on that date you owe me." Bones said smiling at Booth. he grabbed her hand and they walked out to the car. he drove her to the Hospital. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------an hour after---------------------------------------------

Booth open the door to their house. as soon as they were in side the door Bones closed the door with her foot and grabbed Booth's hand. she spun him around and started to kiss him. booth pushed her up against the door and kissed her neck and jaw line. he put his hands up her shirt and she pan her hands on his muscular arms. "should we take this up to the bed room?" Booth asked picking her up bridal style and crying her up to the bed room kissing her juicy lips. when he got to the room he played her down on the bed and he kissed her neck and chin. he took of her shirt and she took of his shirt. he then took off her paints. she was now in her under garments. She messed with his belt buckle  until she finally got it undone and she slid his paints down. now all he was in was his boxers. what happened next was what Booth had wanted to for 5 weeks ever sense she was in the hospital. he had to fight the urge to just make out with her in the middle of the hospital. he didn't want to hurt her so he had to wait until the right time. and now was a great time for it.

-----------------------------------------------------the next day in the morning----------------------------------------------

Bones woke up to the smell go eggs, bacon, and Booths famous pancakes. she rolled over in bed and looked at the alarm clock next to her. it was 9 in the morning. she got up and went down to the kitchen and saw booth making her breakfast. he didn't see he come down and she knew he had no idea she was their, so she went into the living room and started to play music. Booth not knowing she was up ran to get his gun from the counter and he held it up. he walked into the living room and saw Bones standing their with her hands up. she knew how he would react she was ready for it. Booth lowered his gun and put it on safety. he set it down on the table. he went to her and said, "Bones you scared me. how did you sleep?" 

"I'm sorry. perfectly fine. and you?" she said kissing him.

"good." Booth said kissing her. "shall we dance?"

"But the food will get cold." She said as she put her face in the crock of his neck. 

"i can always make more." Booth said swaying to the music. 

"but I'm hungry." she complained. and she let go of Booth and walked into the kitchen. he fallowed her. he pulled out a chair for her to sit down in where a plate of food was for her. he went to the other side of the table and sat down himself. they enjoyed a good meal. 

"Bones i have a question..." Booth started to ask but took a breath. 

"yes booth." Bones asked looking him in the eyes. in his eyes she saw the fear. 

"i was wondering if you would want to go out for dinner with me." he asked with hopes that she would say yes. 

"i would love to." she said happy and jumped up and hugged him.

"good. now i have to go to work and so do you." he said standing up. " i will see you later today for lunch or if we get a case." he kissed her started to walk out he door before he closed the door he stopped and turned around. "oh. we are going some place special. you mite want to dress up." he said winking. "good bye. love you." he said and closed the door.

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