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"Cam i can't find anything else other than the gun and the needle he used, but we can't get a print and no match on the gun." Hogans said to Cam walking up to her and looking mad and sad.

"well I'm not going to break that to Booth, have fun." she said and walked out of the building to talk to people.

"OK,OK,OK. Hey Booth." Hogans said nervously. "we can't find any thing else and we can't get a match  on the gun and their are no finger prints or blood any where. all we found is a table a needle and the gun that is it." he said nervously and farad of his reaction about the bad news. 

"dang it!!!!!!!!!!!" Booth yelled and slammed his fist on a table he was standing next to. "wheres bones????" he asked running around.

"i don't know." Hogans yelled after him.

Booth ran and asked every one. he was running and found a door he stopped in his tracks and looked at the door. he took a step closer and opened the door and their was bones standing looking at a tank. he walked around her and saw that in the take was another body but this body was different he recognized the was.... it was... Russ, her brother.

"bones....i'm so sorry." Booth said seeing Bones crying looking at russ. she turned around and huge him. he hugged her back he held her tight and he ran his hand through her hair. "its ok. shshshsh." 

"im ok come lets go tell the others." Bones said as she released him and went to walk out, but she stopped dead in he tracks. she saw the note from the killer.

'i kill every one who is close to you and won't stop until its only me you have left to love. 1 down 7 more to go and a group.

the first was a warning!!! now the real fun will begin.

Russ(with a red line through it that was Russ's blood) 



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Bones cried even more when she saw this. others came in and read it and they started to their up.

"lets all go home. and never ever be alone." Booth said and with that they all headed home and went to sleep.

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