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"hes not here, what do you mean he is not here. his car is right their." Booth said mad after a cop told him that there was no sight of Jim at all nearby or in sea world. he walked up to the car where Bones was going through it. she found a letter and opened it up. she read it out loud, 

"See Brennan i gave up my car for. i will give up any thing for you and i to be together. we are getting close to the end hang in their for a little longer." she read the rest in her head so others wouldn't know it. 'but if you can come see meet me and all of it can stop and me and you can run away together. meet me at the place we first meet. me and you not with Booth just us alone.' Bones though about going to stop all the deaths and to keep he loved ones alive. she had to end it. but then she remembered her promise to Booth but she decided to go anyways.

"ok lets go." Booth said to every one. Bones and him got into the car and drove to his house.

"so i was thinking their is this really nice house that is a good price. it just needs to me fixed up a little." Booth said picking up his laptop and sitting next to Bones on the couch. he pulled up a picture of a beautiful house. 

"its beautiful i love it. lets cheek it out tomorrow. but right now I'm tired I'm going to be good night, love you." Bones said getting up and going up the stair. Booth followed her and why went to bed. or though thought Booth.

when Bones new Booth was asleep sh got up got dressed and quietly left to go to the library where sh assigned his book. she stood their waiting for Jim then he hoped out of the pushes. "did you come alone?" Jim asked walking up to her.

"yes." Bones said. when he got to close for Bones to handle she steeped back.

"good. i missed you." he said and put a bag over her head. he picked her up and laid her gently in his new Black SUV that he bought. he placed a note for Booth right where she was standing. he got back into his car and drove to his house witch was an hour away, but he didn't drug her. when he got to his house he tied her to a chair and he stood in front of her. "hello love, its good to see you." Jim said brushing her hair out of her face.

--------------------------------------------------------------at the house with booth------------------------------------------

Booth woke up and didnt see Bones next to him instead he saw a note he picked it up and read it 'Booth read the rest of the note from Jim form his car iw ent to go see him to stop all the killings we went to the library where we first meet with out you. i have my phones tracker on so you can track me. he wont kill me not if i want ot be wiht him. just find me i know you will find me. i am sorry i didnt tell you but i knew you wouldnt let em go. i have to put a stop to this. i love you so much. love Bones.'

once Booth read the note he got up and got dressed dupper quick and he called Angela and Sweets and he got her phone tracker going and 

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