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"bones are you ready." Boot hollered up the stairs to Bones who was getting ready for their date.

"yeah I'm coming." she said back coming form their bed room. sh walked down the stairs. Booth saw her coming down the stair and he lost his breath and his heart melted. he meet her at the bottom of the stairs. she was wearing a pastel pink dress that went down just above her knee.(see picture for the dress.) she had beautiful pink high heels that match the dress. He extended his hand out and she took it. 

"you look Beautiful." he said holding her close and kissing her. 

"thanks. and you look..." she couldn't finish the sentence.

"i know." he said smiling and kissing her. she separated from him and they left to have their romantic night out.

 ---------------------------------------------------------------------at the restaurant--------------------------------------------

the restaurant was beautiful. it was so amazing their was no words to describe it. 

"this is amazing Booth. how did you get a reservation?" Bones asked staring at the restaurant. she was at a lack of words.

"i have my ways." was all he said and smirked his handsome smirk. "shall we." he said and took her hand and walked to a table with a candle and a rose. he pulled out her chair for her and she sat down he sat crossed the table.

After they were done eating They were waiting for the bill when Booth said, "i love you so much Bones... i have loved you the vary first day i laid eyes on you i felt something inside of me. it was like my hart was telling me go up to her and just kiss her you dumb a*." they both laughed. "i wish now that i listen and we mite be here a little sooner." he got up from his set and got down on his knee. "Bones will you marry me?" he asked looking into her beautiful eyes. hoping that she would say yes. he looks into her eyes. he was looking into her eyes. 

"yes of course Booth i would love to marry you. " she said getting up and hugging him. he about fell over but he managed to gain balance. he kissed her and put the ring on her finger. they shared a kiss one more time then they paid the bill and left to go home.

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