Supernatural Huntress (SPN sisfic)

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Hi everyone! I'm back with a new story. This is a Supernatural sisfic so I hope you all enjoy. It's not a typical sisfic so it shouldn't bore you...I hope. Please vote and comment! Also I need someone to make me a cover so please message me asap if you can help! Disclaimer: I also only own Marie Winchester and my ideas! Thank ya :)

Chapter 1

Eighteen year old Marie pried herself out of the grave she was buried in. It had been two months since she died, but in hell it was twenty years.

She was still dressed in her usual look, skinny jeans, black leather jacket, and work boots, except now she was covered head to toe in dirt. The dirt filled her shoes, her hair, and even her finger nails.

Marie surveyed the area around her. What was she doing out of the grave? What had pulled her out of hell?

She remembered that she was in Sioux Falls, South Dakota when it all went down and that meant there was only one place for her to go.

The walk to Bobby's house was five miles from where she was buried and it didn't make it any easier when it started pouring rain. Marie could barely see in front of her with the rain falling in sheets, pounding on her back like hale. The pain of course was bearable. She'd been through much worse in the past couple of months.

It was pitch black outside, her only source of light was the moon.

Eventually, she ended up on Bobby's door steps drenched. With a shaky fist, Marie slowly knocked on the wooden door. Moments later the door swung open and she was face to face with her older brother Sam.

She didn't feel anything, she couldn't move. Sam stared at her in disbelief. "Ma-Marie? Dean get over here!" He called into the living room.

Dean staggered to the door, clearly drunk. 

"Holy shit Marie." He gasped when he saw his supposedly dead sister.

Marie could smell the alcohol in both her brothers breaths. They obviously had not been coping well.

Sam pulled her arm and dragged her into the isolated house. Bobby walked out of the kitchen to see who was at the door.  

"Well I'll be damned." He stood across the room in shock.

Marie's soaked hair dripped on the wooden floor with every step she took. Her body was shivering uncontrollably from the cold and she couldn't stop. She stood in the living room with three shocked grown men.

Dean was the first to break the quiet and he ran to Marie to give her an extremely tight embrace. Marie however, didn't move. She felt paralyzed.  

Dean backed away and looked at her in disbelief. "Marie? Are you okay?" He questioned with a worried expression on his face.

Marie wasn't looking at him. She was looking passed him at the wall with a spaced out look on her face. Before she knew it she passed out and collapsed into a heap on the floor.

About an hour later Marie awoke to the sound of people talking. She stirred and peeled the wool blanket off of her damp body. She was on the couch next to Sam, and Dean and Bobby were sitting across from her in chairs.  

"Sweet pea are you up?" Bobby asked leaning forward.

Marie didn't reply. She still couldn't figure out why she was out of her grave and she couldn't bring herself to speak to anyone. She had a dazed look on her face that wouldn't disappear.  

"Baby you gotta talk to me." Bobby tried again hoping to get an answer from her.

Ignoring everyone's worried looks, she hobbled upstairs to take a shower and scrub the dirt off of her body. The warm water sprayed her delicate skin. Flashbacks of hell were constantly playing in her mind reminding her that this could all be fake. This could just be another form of torture from hell. Finally being able to see her brothers and Bobby after so long seemed too good to be true.

She looked in the mirror above the bathroom sink. There was a large red hand print on her right arm just like when Dean was pulled out.

After she dried off her body, and brushed her teeth, she changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt she kept at Bobby's incase she spent the night.

Somehow she ended up back in the living room confronted by her family. They all had devastated looks on their faces.

"Marie come sit down." Sam patted the space on the couch next to him.

Marie complied and did as she was told.  

"Drink some water." Dean motioned to the glass in front of her on the coffee table.  

She knew it contained holy water, it was her brothers for god sake of course they were going to make sure she wasn't a demon or some supernatural being.

She slowly sipped the liquid allowing it to ease down her parched throat.

"I'm going to have to slit your hand to be sure." Bobby walked up to her with a regretful look on his face.

Marie grabbed the silver blade and quickly slit her arm without hesitating. The three men gave her a shocked look as she dropped the knife and just let her bloody arm fall to her side without a care in the world.

Sam grabbed a napkin and applied pressure to his baby sisters wound. "Marie please talk to us." He begged her.  

She carefully swung her legs over the couch and placed her head in Sam's lap. He didn't flinch. Dean placed a blanket over her still shaking body and soon she fell asleep.

"Hello Marie. Ready for today's torture?" Crowley asked her.  

He stood at his cart of tools picking out the sharpest knives. He walked over to Marie's body. She lay naked on the table and only two straps were used to cover her privates.

He stabbed the middle of her left thigh and pulled the knife through her entire leg with Marie screaming from the excruciating pain.

Marie woke up panting and gasping for air. She was having a panic attack and her heavy breathing soon turned into hyperventilating. Sam immediately woke up attempting to calm Marie by rubbing her back gently.  

"Dean she needs her pills." Sam yelled waking Dean.

Dean scrambled to get to his bag and grab a glass of water from the table. Sam held her steady as Dean tossed the pills in her mouth and helped her sip the water.  

"It's okay. You're fine. It was just a bad dream." Dean whispered to Marie.

This routine continued for two more weeks. Marie wouldn't speak to anyone, she wouldn't eat or drink unless Bobby or her brothers literally forced it down her throat, she barely slept for the fear of her nightmares because if she did she woke up to an attack, and she always had a spaced out look on her face as if she wasn't even there. It was literally a living hell. The fact that Sam and Dean couldn't erase the terrible memories of their baby sister broke their hearts.

Supernatural Huntress (SPN sisfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora