Chapter 7

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Hey everyone! So before you all read this chapter I'm going to try to clear it up for anyone who doesn't watch the show. Basically this chapter is all happening in Marie's head like when Sam's wall crashed down. So this chapter is reflecting on Marie's happy self and next chapter is going to show her depressed self. Hopefully you can all keep up :)

"Fuck." Marie reached for a napkin and began dabbing at her gray top which was now decorated in ketchup.

"Watch your mouth." Dean warned her from across the booth with a stern look in his eyes.

The two siblings held each others stare for a few moments longer before Marie threw a french fry at Dean and they erupted into fits of laughter.

Sam was fishing in his pockets for a nickel for the jukebox. The three were at a 50's styled diner, enjoying juicy burgers and greasy fries, just how they liked it. The tile was checkered black and white, the waiters and waitresses were all rolling around on roller blades, and the air was filled with the best 50's music.

"Got it." Sam held the nickel to the light and haughtily handed it to Marie as if it was a piece of gold.

Excitedly, Marie dropped in the silver coin and flipped through the songs. She selected 'Blue Suede Shoes' by Elvis Presley. Dean nodded approvingly at the song choice, proud of his influence in Marie's taste in music.

Immediately the song played through the speakers earning a wide toothy grin from Marie.

"Well, it's one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, now go, cat go!" The three siblings sang out not minding the stares they recieved.

But this was the happier side of Marie, before she visited hell and experienced torture.

Her spirit watched herself from a distance with a longing look on her face. She missed times like that with her brothers, however, she felt that after her dissapearance, she could no longer be happy.

Marie's spirit was now watching herself in the Impala on an endless road surrounded by trees.

"Turn down the radio please." Sam complained from the passenger seat.

Of course, Dean being a smart ass turned the radio up.

"Sorry what did you say?" He smirked.

Marie just laughed at her brothers from the back seat.

"Oh you think it's funny?" Sam turned in his seat with a wide grin on his face.

Marie shrugged her shoulders an held in a giggle knowing what was coming.

Sam reached over the seat and began tickling Marie until she couldn't breathe any longer.

"Alright that's enough you two." Dean spoke from the front seat attempting to be somewhat responsible.

"So Dean when are you going to let me drive for a change?" Marie asked knowing the answer already.

"Not as long as I'm alive. And I can't seem to die so good luck with that." He smirked to himself.

"You made me get a license for a reason." She whined holding up the small plastic card.

"Listen Bug, I'm the best driver in this family and you're just a beginner. I can't risk harming Baby." He stroked the dashboard for emphasis.


Oh the irony.

A semi truck appeared out of thin air, ramming the small car at over 100 mph.

The car flipped 4 times and finally landed upside down.

Shards of glass were scattered a long the street piercing Marie's skin. She was lying in a pool of her own blood crushed under the car door.

Marie began trembling and slowly turned her head left and right searching desperately for her brothers.

"Sam, Dean." She could barely call out, her voice hoarse and raspy, choking back tears.

"Someone help!" She cried out only to have her voice echo back to her. It was as if she was screaming in her own head.

Suddenly the car door was lifted effortlessly off of her body and thrown to the side of the road.

"You called." A short man with a British accent stood before her. Marie was still amazed at how easily he picked up the car door.

"Are you an angel?" She squinted her eyes from the bright shining sun not able to see his face.

The man snickered. "Complete opposite actually."

He reached down, grabbed Marie's hand and pulled her up. Amazingly, in that instance, all Marie's wounds healed as if nothing happened.

"Do I - do I know you from somewhere?" The strange man sounded awfully familiar to Marie she just couldn't pin it.

"Let's just say, we've been to hell and back." He smiled.

"Shall we?" The man grabbed Marie's hand and led her into the woods off the side of the road.

"Wait, haven't I just been in some sort of an accident? Who are you? Where am I? What's going on?" Marie felt as if her memory was slipping through fingertips.

"Darling what's your name?" He asked her.

"I, I can't remember. I don't know. I don't know anything." Marie held her hands in her face silently crying. What was happening to her?

The mysterious man led her deeper into the forest. She felt loopy, drunk even. She couldn't walk normally and stumbled over every branch in the thicket of the forest, receiving impatient scolds from the man.

Birds cawed above them, and the sun strained to peer through the heavily shaded forest.

As they treaded on, the darkness fell quickly and a cabin soon appeared.

"Well, this is my stop." The man spoke and turned to leave.

"Wait you just can't leave me out here by myself! I don't know where I am. I can't see your face, and I don't even know your name!" Marie was scared. She had lost her memory and now she was going to be alone.

"But darling isn't that what you did to me? You left me alone once. You sent me to rot in hell for god sakes." The man look agitated.

Marie began crying. She had no idea who this man was and what in the world he was talking about.

When she lifted her head she could finally see the mans face. It was round with short hair, and scruff on his chin.

"The names Crowley by the way." His body was then enveloped in orange flames and he disappeared into thin air.

Marie wiped her tears and looked around. She was surrounded by thick oak trees and dead grass. The wind picked up and she hurried into the cabin to get some warmth.

She ran inside and shut the door behind her. On the wooden wall next to her hung a small cracked mirror. She looked into it seeing her reflection, a strange reflection. It was like she forgot her own face. Her skin looked awfully pale allowing her few freckles to show through, and her emerald eyes were dull. Otherwise, she had no cuts or bruises from the accident.

As she finished surveying her body, she heard someone crying towards the back of the cabin.

Cautiously, she grabbed a cane near the door and followed the sound.

When she reached the living room, it wasn't a stranger crying.

It was another version of herself.

Hope you all enjoy! I'm thinking of changing the cast for Marie to be Willa Holland instead of the model on the cover. What do you all think? Let me know! Also if anyone knows and wants to make a cover for me, that'd be much appreciated! 

xoxo Alina

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