Chapter 5

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You see, Marie wasn't a normal 18 year old. She drank a lot like her brothers (especially Dean) and was a bit too obsessed with gambling.

Whenever her and her brothers were in need of some easy cash (hunting didn't exactly put the big bucks in their pockets), they would hit up a bar or casino and Marie always won the big money.

Sam and Dean didn't like to do it too often but Marie loved it.

Soon, Bobby and Marie were in his truck on their way to a gambling garage Bobby was familiar with.

They were jamming to Kansas when a deep voice from the back of the truck spoke.

"Where are we going?"

"Jesus Christ Cas!" Bobby swerved on the rode.

Marie turned around with a smirk on her face. "We're going gambling."

When they arrived, the garage was filled with older men.

Marie was the only girl, let alone 18 years old.

This made her slightly uncomfortable but she was too hyped up on excitement to worry. She looked like a 5 year old in a candy shop.

Marie sat down at the table while Bobby and Cas pulled up two seats behind her.

"Well what's a pretty little lady like you doing in a place like this?" A man who looked to be in his late 40's asked. And let me tell you, the years have not been kind to him.

"I just learned to play poker and thought I'd try it here." Marie put on her best fake smile and twirled her hair.

The dumber she acted the more money she was going to make.

She could hear Bobby shift in his chair uncomfortably. The amount of men in the room was unsettling to him.

A dark haired man in his 50's shuffled the cards and dealt them. Texas Hold 'Em, Marie's personal favorite.

Dean had taught Marie to play poker when she was only 10 years old.

The cards were in her favor as usual and she slowly began to raise the bet.

"I don't think your cards are very good." Cas muttered loud enough for a few people to hear.

"Shut up Cas." Marie stomped on his toe with the heel of her boot.

She was actually happy he had said that, because now more people would throw in their money and think that she wasn't any competition.

However, she still needed to play a role and pretend she thought she knew what she was doing.

As the game went on, $2,500 dollars ended up on the table. Marie wasn't worried about her competition, but she put an innocent scared look on her face.

"I raise 500". Marie tossed her chips on the table.

"Call." "Fold." "Call."

The last players went around.

"Show 'em."

"Full house." Marie said proudly.

All the men looked at her dumbfounded.

"You hustled us!" A very big and tall man pushed back his chair and clenched his fists.

"No. I just played the game. It's called poker for a reason gentlemen." She replied.

Everyone was clearly only mad at losing so much money, especially to a young 18 year old girl, but that wasn't Marie's fault.

They wanted to play so that's their problem.

Marie collected the money off of the table and pretended to stick it in her boot but pulled out her knife and slid the money to Bobby.

"This is poker. You know what you're getting yourself into. You either win or lose. And if you happen to lose that's not my problem." Marie explained heading for the door.

She knew this wasn't going to be an easy get away but she had to try.

"Now wait a second there little lady." The man she first met when she arrived grabbed her arm forcefully.

"Why don't you play some more?"

"I'm done playing." She hissed through her teeth and yanked her arm out of his grip.

Bobby stood between them and Cas pushed the door open. When the man continued to follow them out and attempt grabbing Marie, she pulled her knife out and stabbed him in his arm. She hated using it, but he clearly wasn't going to leave them alone.

The man yelled and his eyes flicked to black.

Marie's knife was made of silver and it didn't take long for her to figure out he was a demon.

Bobby quickly stabbed him in the stomach with his demon blade sending the son of a bitch back to hell.

"There's more in there, come on we gotta clear it out." Marie grabbed holy water and her demon blade from the trunk of Bobby's truck.

"There's eight of them." Cas informed Marie and Bobby.

They re entered the garage and splashed holy water on them.

As much as Marie wanted to trap them in a devils trap and perform an exorcism, there was no time for that.

She headed to the nearest man while Bobby headed towards the back, and Cas quickly and efficiently wiped out a few demons only by touching their foreheads.

The demon punched Marie in the cheek, taking her by surprise but she stuck the demon blade in its shoulder sending the demon out.

Eventually, they had wiped out the room and were on their way home with a few extra bucks in their pockets, $5000 to be exact.

Enjoy :)

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