Chapter 6

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The days seemed to drag, but Dean and Sam were finally back at Bobby's house.

"How'd the case go?" Marie greeted her brothers with hugs, kisses, and beer.

"Pretty smoothly until Dean decided to hook up with the victims sister." Sam laughed.

Marie nearly choked on her beer. "Tmi Sammy. Anyway while you guys were kicking some ghosts ass, I won us all five grand." She proudly revealed the huge wad of cash.

"Marie I told you to never go gambling without me or Sam." Dean spoke sternly.

"Aw don't be such a sour puss, I had Bobby and Cas with me." She started splitting the money evenly four ways.

"Wait, Cas went with you guys?" Deans eyes nearly bulged out of his head.

"Yes he did... and he also kinda helped us clear out a room full of demons." Marie spoke quickly preparing herself for another lecture from Dean.

"You what? Dammit Marie you could've gotten yourself killed!" Dean shouted.

"We'll I'm fine. It's not like it was my first gig, and I wasn't alone. I didn't even know that they were demons until after I won all this!" Marie threw Deans portion of the money at him attempting to lighten the mood.

"She's right Dean, we had no idea they were demons." Bobby put a hand on Marie's shoulder.

Dean decided to drop the subject since he didn't want to fight with Marie.

"How'd you win all this?" Sam finally spoke up after Marie threw him and Bobby their cuts.

"I did learn from the best." Marie turned to Dean and sent him a wink.

"It was Texas Hold 'Em wasn't it?" Sam asked knowing that it was Marie's best game. She smirked and nodded her head.

"I'm going to go take a shower. Someone should get some food by the way!"

Marie was jogging up the stairs when she suddenly felt dizzy, nauseas, and light headed all at once. The room was spinning incredibly fast and before she had a chance to grab the railing, her body collapsed back on the stairs.

"Marie!" Sam, Dean, and Bobby ran to the stairs.

There was blood oozing from a gash in her head and huge lacerations on her back from the stairs.

Sam checked her pulse while Dean dialed 911. Sam couldn't feel a pulse.

"Dean! I'm not getting anything!" Sam pumped her chest and proceeded to perform CPR while Marie's head was elevated on Deans knee.

"They're taking too fucking long!" Dean shouted, scooping Marie in his arms and heading for the impala full speed.

Giving Sam and Bobby no time to get to the impala, they headed for Bobby's truck.

Marie was unconscious in the passenger seat with her head leaning on the window.

"Marie, baby wake up." Dean patted her leg but received no response.

He was flying over 100mph and reached the hospital in under 5 minutes. Much quicker than it would've taken the ambulance.

Dean ran into the hospital with Marie in his arms, screaming for attention. "Help! Help! This is an emergency!"

A doctor dressed in white and a yellow stretcher were quickly summoned to the near empty emergency room.

Marie was carefully placed on the stretcher with Dean still holding her hand.

"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to wait here." The doctor informed him.

"That's my little sister dammit!" Dean yelled refusing to release her frail hand.

"I understand. I'll come for you after she's stabilized."

Dean felt Sam and Bobby tug him in the direction of the waiting room where a set of small plastic chairs awaited them.

While Sam and Bobby sat in the uncomfortable chairs, Dean paced around the room constantly checking with the nurse if there was any news on Marie.

"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you again, but have you heard any news on Marie Winchester?" Dean asked the petite blonde nurse at the front desk for about the hundredth time.

The nurse felt sorry for Dean. She could only imagine what he was going through and replied with an honest answer. "I haven't yet, but I'll let you know as soon as I do." She gave him a sincere smile.

Her pity was soon overcome but fright when Dean slammed his fists on the desk demanding a room number. When she failed to comply, he took off jogging down the corridor, peeking into hospital rooms.

As he was on his search, he ran into the doctor once Sam and Bobby had caught up.

The doctor cleared his throat. "She's stabilized for now. Marie is currently in a coma. We don't know when she will wake up, or if she'll wake up." He lead them down to her room 142.

"We aren't exactly sure the cause of this." The doctor spoke once more.

"You're a doctor for god sake! How do you not know?!" Dean was obviously furious and his face turned a bright shade of red.

Realizing it was useless to fight with such a stubborn man, the doctor gave the three men one last sympathetic look before taking off to assist other patients.

Dean, Sam, and Bobby took seats around Marie's bed. Hospitals did a terrible job of trying to make the place cheery. White paint, white walls, white sheets, and one simple picture of a girl running through a forest.

Dean gripped Marie's hand and silently prayed for her to wake up along with Sam and Bobby.

Little did they know however, Marie was not in a coma...

The wall was crashing down.

Okay so I was supposed to update a few days ago, but when I was copying and pasting this chapter I accidentally deleted it! And I thought my friend still had it since I sent it to her but she had also deleted it so I had to rewrite the whole chapter. I hope you all still like it even though it's a bit choppy :/

Let me know watcha think!

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