Chapter 9

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Dean and Sam sat helplessly in the green cushioned chairs next to Marie's hospital bed. Sam had fallen asleep around 4am, but Dean refused to drop his eyelids. His whole life was dedicated to hunting the supernatural and protecting his family, but at the moment he felt useless. Marie had tons of wires running through her attatched to beeping machines and Cas was no where to be found when he needed him the most. Marie had now been in a coma for four days and the most sleep Dean had gotten at a time was two hours. Dean had dark circles under his green eyes which had lost their twinkle, and he was growing scruff from his lack of shaving. He looked rough to say the least.

He held Marie's hand loosely in his for fear a little pressure might break it off. She looked broken. All color was drained from her skin revealing blue and purple veins. Her hair even looked as though it were fading.

Bobby entered the room quietly, placing his belongings on a chair.

"You should go get something to eat." Dean glanced up slightly and noticed some ink smeared on his hand knowing Bobby must have been up reading lore all night.

"Not hungry." He replied coldly.

It was noticeable Dean had lost some weight, from both stress and not eating. On occasion, he would lose it and end up running down the corridor verbally attacking nurses and doctors. It was even mentioned that he should be admitted into the psychiatric ward.

"Dean." Bobby sighed. "Don't fight me on this. Just go get some damn grub before you're next in a hospital bed."

Dean felt his stomach grumble and finally gave in.

"If anything, I mean anything happens. You get me right away." Dean spoke sternly and grabbed his leather jacket from the seat.

Bobby solemnly nodded as he took Dean's place in keeping a keen eye on Marie.

Dean walked down the hall with his hands stuffed in his pockets avoiding everyone's gazes. He only received pity which really put him on edge.

He took the stairs to evade human interaction in the elevators, and made his way down to the cafeteria.

The cafeteria was filled with depressed people sobbing over loved ones. Dean only wanted to get his food and exit as quickly as possible.

He walked over to a line and grabbed a bagel and coffee to hold him over. He honestly wasn't in the mood to eat and just wanted to get back to Marie as soon as possible.

Instead of eating at a small table in the cafeteria, he payed for his food and went back to the stairs. They seemed vacant so he sat himself on a step and leaned back against the wall. Apparently he wasn't the only one with this idea, and was soon accompanied by a petite brunette.

"Oh I'm sorry." She mumbled as she nearly tripped over Dean's legs. "I didn't think anyone else was in here."

"You can sit." He motioned to the step below him.

The girl's hair was in perfectly curled ringlets, and her eyes were a very light brown giving off a golden tint. Despite her natural beauty she looked as worn out as Dean. She was wearing boot cut jeans, a plain black T-shirt, and was also carrying a cup of coffee.

They sat in silence for a while until Dean politely offered her a piece of his bagel.

"So why are you here?" He asked, taking a small sip of coffee.

"My mom has cancer." Her voice faltered. It came out almost as a question like she didn't know wether to believe herself or not. "She's my only family left."

"What about you?" She tucked her chin in her knees.

"My sisters in a coma. She fell down a flight of stairs." Dean said a little too quickly. He never wanted to have to hear those words again.

"I'm sorry." The girl whispered and wiped the few tears that threatened to escape her eyes.

"Me too." Dean felt bad for the poor girl. She only looked to be around 20 and she was about to lose her only family left.

Before the two could carry on the conversation further, three doctors appeared out of nowhere and sprinted up the stairs yelling something about room 142.

Realization swept over Dean in a matter of seconds. He dropped what was left of his bagel and coffee and raced after the doctors, fear consuming his every thought.

He instantly regretted leaving Marie's side, feeling a pang of guilt rise in his chest.

This rush of adrenaline prevented him from hearing the young girl jogging after him.

Once he arrived, he noticed Bobby and Sam sitting on some plastic chairs placed outside of the room.

Ignoring them, Dean pushed the door open demanding some answers.

"Is she okay? Is she alive? What's wrong?" He shouted to each doctor in panic.

A doctor was hovering over Marie pushing on her chest while someone readied the cardiac defibrillator.

After receiving no answers, Dean turned desperately to the computer screen that was connected to Marie.

There was only a flat line.

The noise rang in Dean's ears and his vision blurred. How could he have let something like this happen to his baby sister? He was always at her side and now she's dead? After she just got back? After she just healed?

His throat dried and he felt as though he were suffocating. Dean tried to make it to Marie's side but doctors held him back and took him out of the room.

He couldn't process what was happening. All five senses were temporarily blocked off and his only thoughts were of Marie and hell.

He couldn't hear people shouting at him, couldn't feel people holding him to stand up, and couldn't see anything in front of him.

He did the only he could do. He ran. He ran to the impala and headed for the only place he knew could help.

The crossroads.

Dean was going to have to make a deal with the devil.

I'm so sorry it took so long to update!!! I will try my best to write over break but this has been the MOST stressful time of my life with mid terms coming up :/ I hope you all enjoy this short update though!

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