Chapter 11

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Marie's tangled brunette hair resembled nothing less than a bird’s nest. She sat in a corner of the wooden cabin, knees huddled tightly to her chest, as she rocked herself while silently sobbing. At this very moment, all she truly wanted to be was dead. The thought of life now made her cringe and she just wanted it to be over. Marie didn't want to have to face Death and explain herself. Her story was basically as complicated as the ending of Lost (which Marie was very upset about by the way).

Yes she hesitated when she pulled the trigger, but she still pulled it! A part of her still wanted it to end!

As if on cue, Death himself stood before her. This had not been their first encounter and it certainly wouldn't be there last.

Ashamed at herself for crying, she wiped her tears on the back of her hands and toughened up. 

Rising from the ground, facing Death, Marie noticed his wooden cane and intimidating scythe. 

"Don't be scared Marie." He stated with a small smirk on his face, acknowledging her focus on his scythe. 

"Now let's get started shall we? I have places to be and people to see." Death hobbled over to the torn up couches in the cabin and seated himself. 

He pointed to the chair opposite of him for Marie.

Reluctantly, she followed his order knowing the extensive damage he might inflict on her. 

"So." He began. "I see you haven't been coping well." He eyed her tattered clothes and the mess of the cabin. It looked as though an earthquake hit. 

"What are you really doing here?" Marie asked growing bored of his questions. "Are you here to take my life away, or to drop me off in hell?" She crossed her arms putting her defenses up.

"That is for you to decide. I just hope you make it quick because I'm really looking forward to some pizza." Marie remembered the pizza place they visited with her brother's when they were trying to make a deal. It almost brought a smile to her face. Almost.

"How are my brothers and Bobby?" Marie eyed his body language. Death shifted uncomfortably and Marie knew it wasn't good. 

"Dean's seen better days, Bobby's seen better years, and Mousse...he's still a giant." Death laughed to himself. Practically everyone in the supernatural world called Sam a mousse. 

But what did he mean.."Bobby's seen better years." 

Seen better years.

Better years.


"What have they done?" Marie rose from her chair, heart racing. 

"They didn't, did they? I told them not to! The one thing I told them not to do!" She paced around the room frantically. "Idiots."

"And you! You're Death! A horseman of the apocalypse! Shouldn't that mean something? You have power, you could've stopped them. I thought you were on our side!" Marie was furious, her face turned a lobster red as she flailed her arms while screaming at someone who had the ability to end her in under a second. 

Death stomped his cane on the floor silencing her. "Marie, child. Sit down, take a deep breath. Remember that this was your doing, not mine. If you didn't pull the trigger, you wouldn't be in this nightmare." 

"No. If Castiel hadn't put up that stupid wall I wouldn't have fallen and I wouldn't be sitting across from you at this very moment. Where is he anyway?" Marie washed a hand over her face and sighed. Things couldn't possibly get any worse.

"That's not important at the moment. And Marie, it was your decision to have the wall put up. You had a choice." He wrapped his hand around his scythe making her that much more nervous.

"Well if I had known the consequences I wouldn't have done it." She countered.

Marie felt like a vulnerable child. She had no control over anything in her life anymore.

"Every action you take in life has a consequence whether it's good or bad. You made a wrong choice, and now you are paying for that. When you found the gun in the cabin you also had a choice. You could have kill the depressed version of yourself and moved on with your life. But instead you turned it on yourself, and for that there are consequences. The consequences however weren't paid by you. Bobby sold his soul for your life, and now you have to live with that fact. The contract has been sealed and there's nothing you can do about it now. I'm going to release you, and I recommend you let him live the last year of his life the way he wants to. And as for your brothers, they need more protecting than they think." 

And with that, he stomped his scythe and was gone.



"Death!" She called out.


Moments later the cabin began swirling and swirling and Marie felt like she was in the eye of a tornado. Her stomach churned and she gripped the edge of the chair trying to not fly off. 

The force was too strong and Marie was abruptly flung off of the chair and out the door of the cabin into oblivion.

Or so she thought.

After her rough landing she peeled my eyes open slowly. The constant beeping from a machine next to her was worse than any alarm. Bright lights and white walls blurred her hazy vision as she was so accustomed to the dark. 

"Hello." Marie managed to croak out. When she received no response she became desperate and began slamming buttons and pulling cords from the machines. She needed to get out now. She needed to find her brothers and Bobby.

Marie ripped off the thin white sheets that covered her and slowly got out of bed. She waited for her feet to solidly land on the ground, but instead her weak knees buckled and she toppled over onto the floor.

The cold floor.

Maybe hell was better than this prison.


Hey everyone! I updated again for you all :) Hopefully I'm going to try to update regularly for you all. I'm currently working on a book (not a fanfic). Its a mystery/thriller/action/drama all in one haha. If anyone wants to critique or edit it before I publish it, feel free to message me! 

Thank you!

Mwa -Alina

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2014 ⏰

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