Your Safe With Us (10)

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*Rylee's POV*

So we got off the bus and I went to my room with Savannah. I was going to take a shower before dinner because I felt disgusting. But then Press and JJ came and asked if I would hang out with them and I said yeah. So we got on the elevator and went to their floor. When we got off the elevator we saw Alex and Kelley.

"Hey Alex what are you guys doing?" JJ asks.

"I spilled something in our room and I asked Kelley to help clean it up with me." Alex says.

"Do you guys need help?" Press ask.

"Can you help us carry some of this stuff back to our room?" Alex ask.

We all make our way towards the closet Kelley was already grabbing things so I went and helped her. Next thing I know the door is being shut.

"WHAT THE HELL?" I yell.

"Come on guys your doing the most right now." Kelley says.

"That's funny because I don't recall you saying this when they did it to us." JJ says.

"Come on this is stupid." Kelley says.

"You know what you have to do if you wanna come out." Press says.

Kelley sits on the floor and I sit next to her.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask.

"They're pulling a Presston." Kelley says.

"A what?"

"A few moths ago we all saw that JJ and Press liked each other but wouldn't say anything about it to each other. So Pinoe and Syd came up with a plan to lock them in a closet and make them confess their feelings. Since the fans already shipped them we called it pulling a Presston and that's what they're doing."

I put my head in my hands.

:Would it be so bad if we did come out as a couple?" I ask.

"Not for you but for me yes. Rylee I'm 5 years older than you, I know its not that big of and age gap but your only 17." Kelley says.

"Then what do we do because I hate having to sneak around with you because what we're doing isn't wrong." I say.

"So what do you want to do come out to our close family and friends?" Kelley ask.

"Yeah, there's just one problem."


"Mom and Carli."

"I think that as long as your happy they won't care, well hopefully."

I laugh and pull Kelley in for a hug.

"I'm tired." I say.

"Then go to sleep, we'll worry about talking to everyone another day because I'm tired too." Kelley says.

Kelley lays down and I snuggle in next to her and we both knock out. I was woken up by someone shaking me, I looked up and it was Abby.

"Oh hey Abby." I say stretching.

"Why are you and Kelley in here?" Abby ask.

I wake up Kelley.

"You should ask Alex, JJ, and Press." I say.

"Presston?" Abby ask.

"Presston." Kelley says.

We both leave and go to our rooms. Its 9:30 and curfew is at 10 so I take a shower and go to bed. I wake up to the sound of my alarm and I get up and get ready. I go downstairs for breakfast and Mom and Carli are waiting for me. I make a plate then go sit down.

"Why weren't you at dinner last night?" Mom ask.

"You should ask them." I say gustring at Alex, Press, and JJ.

Hope gives them a glare and they all look away. We finish breakfast and get started with training. We get on the buses and head to the fields. This practice was open to the public and it was nice to have the fans cheering for the little things. At the end of practice some of the girls went and talked to some of the fans. I was talking to Savannah when I heard my name called. I looked around but didn't see anything. Savannah tapped my shoulder and gestured to the little boy who had hopped the fence and was making a beeline for me. I didn't notice who it was until he got closer than I took off towards him.

"JACKSON?!" I ask.

"RYLEE!" I yells.

We run into each other's arms and I can feel tears on my shoulder. I start crying because he's crying.

"Hey don't cry, I love you." I say.

"I love you too." He says.

All the girls come over to me but Jackson is still in my arms, we won't let each other go.

"Who is he?" Carli ask.

"My little brother." I say.

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