More Than Friends (20)

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So the next few days of tryouts were rough but I still had fun. It was good to be back with my friends and not have any pressure playing the game I love. Anyway Mal and I have been spending a lot of time together recently. I mean I don't know, there's just something about her. She makes me happy and smile when I'm around her. We are leaving soon to go to our game vs Columbia, there are two friendly matches we're playing against them. So I'll have to pack for that when I get home because I'm going to have to leave school early to catch the plane to go since the match is tomorrow. I'm sitting in lunch with my friends and we're all just kinda chilling out. Some of my friends on the team sit with us now I kinda merged the two groups and so far its been fine.

"So Kim do you still like Rylee?" Ryan ask.

Amanda smacks Ryan in the back of the head, remind me to thank her later.

"What are you talking about?" Kim stutters.

I smirk and she blushes and looks down.

"Don't feel embarrassed she kinda has that effect of people." Ryan says.

"What effect are you talking about?" I ask.

"Come on you have girls drooling over you." Ryan says.

"He's kinda right." Mark says.

"We thought you were going to be a player." Shane says.

I look at Amanda for help but she just picks up her Gatorade and sips it.

"You all thought I was some kind of badass who goes sleeping around?" I ask.

Everyone pretty much nods. I pout and cross my arms causing everyone to laugh.

"So I'm having a party Friday." Mark says.

Next week is spring break and we have the whole week off.

"Dude the last time you had a party the cops were called." Ryan says.

"Yeah and I had all hell to pay from my parents." I say.

"Same." Amanda says.

"That wasn't my fault and we probably shouldn't have ran. Anyway this time its invite only so it won't be as many people." Mark says.

"Well I'm down." Meg says.

"I'll come." Kim says.

"I'll see what I can do." I say.

"What about you Mal?" Ryan ask.

"I'll have to ask my parents." She says.

The bell rings and everyone who sits at our table pretty much goes to German after this excluding a few. We're walking in the hallway and I have my arm wrapped around Mal and Amanda. No this isn't anything like that its just how we walk so stuf. We get to the class and Amanda hops up on the desk I walk in between her legs, wrap my arms around her waist, and rest my forehead on her shoulder. She wraps her arms around me and places her head on my shoulder.

"Um if you don't mind I would like my girlfriend back." Mark says.

"I don't know, I'm pretty comfortable." I say.

Amanda laughs before we untangle and she goes to sit on Mark's lap.

"So your turning girls gay now, nice to know." Joel says.

"Are your still a dick, nice to know." I say.

"Hey I'm just saying, I know your the type to sleep around." Joel says.

"You don't know shit about me." I say.

"You should probably answer your phone I think the screen said planned parenthood, waiting for you results?"

"No its your girlfriend she's calling to tell me I'm the best she ever had. Wait that would be hard considering you don't have a girlfriend. What did she leave after you gave her the clap?"

He just rolls his eyes and slumps in his seat. My friends laugh and high five me as Ms.Boer comes in. I go and sit next to Mal. She at me and quirks her eyebrow.

"That's mine thing love." I say.

"Hallo, wie geht es euch tun? (Hello, how are you guys doing)" Ms.Borer ask.

"Ich meine, könnte besser sein, aber verdammt toll, wenn ich so selbst sage. (I mean could be better but pretty damn great if I do say so myself)" I say.

"Rylee you extent of German has improved, however watch the language." Ms.Boer says.

I just nod and she continues with whatever she was talking about.

"What other languages can you speak?" Mal ask.

"Um Spanish, German, French, Russian and Italian." I say.

"How?" She ask.

"Um my parents. My dad is Russian and he spoke it when I was younger so I picked it up from him. My mom is Italian and she spoke that when I was younger so I picked it up from her. Learning how to speak other languages when I was younger helped me a lot so I leaned things pretty quick. My friend Nick's Mom is French but his Dad is Columbian. They both met in Britain and had Nick then moved here. So when I was younger and stayed with Nick, which was a lot I picked the language up. One of my Mom's teammates speak German and I like it when we can talk and nobody knows what we're saying so I learned German on my own kind along with help in school." I say.

"Cool." Mal says.

I chuckle and go back to pay attention. But here's the question can you continue to do something if you weren't doing it in the first place? The day got over pretty quick and I went home. My coach let me skip out on the conditioning session today after school because I was going with the national team for the next few days. Anyway I picked Jackson up and we went home to pack. When we were all done Mom and Carli didn't feel like cooking so we ordered a pizza and called it a night. The next day I went to school and basically got my work from each teacher for the past few days I was going to miss along with study guides to help me if I get stuck. Around 10:30 Mom and Carli came and got me they had got Jackson first and we were on our way to the airport. It was a seven hour flight so I made sure to pack a lot of stuff in my carry on to keep Jackson and I occupied. When we both got bored we went to sleep, the flight should be landing soon.

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