Part 12 (indigestion)

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Maines POV
"FELIX its RAININGGG" i shout at him even hes near me

"you dont need to shout... Comeon lets call a cab" i took off my jacket and wrap it to queenie...felix does the same thing...

Inside thr cab~
"luckily we found a cab" he said

"only u... Im not feelin lucky at all...see first most of your bro are mad at us ...SPECIALLY ME.. Second my tummy is so in pain.. Third it rain so hard were so wet...look at our pugs..they dont look good.." i said while holding my tummy

"u still have indigestion?" he ask me worriedly

"yeah.. Ugh.. But were will we goin to stay? In my house or yours?" i ask him cause if i go to his house i dont have clothes... If he go to my house he doesnt have clothes too..

"well i think in my house ... Were goin to xxxxxxxxxx" he said to the driver

"but felix i dont have any clothes i have to change"

"borrow some of marzias shirt"

"how can i? Her mother take all of her clothes" i said to felix

"oh.. Dont worry...there is a solution to every problem.."

"yeah ur right... Um y it seems we dont move?" i ask couz the car dont move.. Were still near the park

"mam There is a car accident right over there..." he said while pointing outside "they said it will be fix in 20 or more minutes"

"oh god... My tummy hurts so much" i said while crying in pain...

"well just sleep for now so u dont feel pain.. Ill wake you up when we got there" felix suggested

"ugh I dont think i can sleep while in pain...ugh" i reply

"is there anything i can do" he said while patting my head

"i dont know... *sniff*" im crying now.. It hurts as hell

Felix place his arms around my shoulder and push my head onto his shoulder...

"when we got home..ill make you apple cider vinegar ok it helps you relieve the pain...hussshhh.. Stop crying i feel bad" he wipe my tears in my cheeks..

I still feel the pain but thanks alot to felix for comforting me cause i fell asleep.. Zzzzzzzz

"Maine maine.. Were at my home wake up..." i feel someone tapping my face

Because i woke up i feel the pain again...

I hold my tummy and felix hold our pugs and we ran inside...

I flop on the couch because my tummy hurts so bad..

"maine lets go upstair. We need to chanfe our clothe. After that you can stay and sleep at my room. Ill make apple cider vinegar after we change.." he said while tapping my back

"wait a minute. UGH" i cant stand up and i feel lazy..

"well i guess i have to carry you then" he said

" No need see i can walk.." i stood up even it hurts...

"just let me carry you i know youre in pain... Dont be shy... Youre lighter than marzia..."he said then smirk

"no need. No need.. Ican do this im not a baaaaayyy-"

He carry me bridal style..

"FELIX PUT ME DOWN!" i cammanded him but he doesnt listen..

"nooooooooooo" Without looking at me

"YES!" i shout

"too late were here now..hahaha" he said..

He put me at the bed and open the cabinet... Hes looking for what i could wear..

"LUCKY! Marzia left some shorts... Only shorts eh?" he said in funny way.

"well you can wear some of my long sleeves or t shirt..." He added

"its ok for me" i said while my face facing the bed

"get up girl change you clothes... You might get sick i dont want u to spread virus here in my home"he said

I didnt reply... Im being lazy right now..

"or do you want ME to change to change your clothes?" he said in sexy tone

"WHAT?! youre so pervert felix." i said while in shock

"im not pervert its just a joke okay? Well but if you dont get up..ill change your clothes " he said while laughing

"okay.okay im goin to change now.."i said while my hands are up

"GOOD" he replied.


"felix thanks for the apple cider i feel fine now" i said

Well im on the couch now while felix is in the other couch like before

No ones talking... So i look at him... Hes sleeping... Its 9 in the evening and i understand that he needs to rest.. Edgar is beside of him.. Sleeping too...

Well i carry queenie and we go outside.. I like to smell fresh air... Haaaaa we sat in the bench and i just look into the sky..

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