Part 13 (besties!)

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Maines POV
Ughhhhhhh huh?! I slept outside... Well its so good here... I think its better than inside hahahha...

I check my cellphone and its like 1 am.. Gosh.. I check again my cellphone and there are about 50 missed call and 30 messages?

Wow does the bro army found out my number.. I check whos the one that call.. Huh ? Its felix? But im just outside of his house?

I sneak inside to look what happened.. Well felix is like walking around and around calling someone and my phone ring..

Huh why is he calling me? I answered it..

"OH GOD MAINE WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? WHERE ARE YOU? WHY DID YOU LEFT? DID I DO SOMETHING WRONG?" umm huh? Ididnt understand... What is he talking about?

"hello maine why ur not talking...o gosh.. Where are you?"

"uhh felix are u ok? Haha i mean downstair"

Then i hear him goin down..

"oh god..oh god... Maine where did you go? Are you hurt or what.." he said while hugging me so tight..he something like he was about to cry

"umm uh felix you can let go of me..." i said trying to let go

"No! Answer me first! Are u mad at me or what? Well im sorry sorry.. Please dont go away from me" he said still hugging me

I want to laugh right now.. Hes so idiot.. Lol xp "felix im not mad at you? How can i?"

"youre not? But why and where did you go? He finally let go of me but i can see that he is sad..

I flicked his nose..

"why did you do that?" he was so confuse

"cause your an idiot.. I didnt left you. I and queenie just go outside to smell some fresh air.. Then i fell asleep at the bench... Then i found out its almost 1 then i see ur missed calls" i said while laughing

"why you didnt even say it to me?" hes mad now

"cause youre sleeping i dont want to wake you up..i know youre tired.."

"ok ok.. But dont do this again. please. Youre the only friend that cares of me..makes me laugh.. Makes me become a better person promise.. "

"pewds i hate drama but i promise not to do that again.. Umm uhh felix i know its weird to ask u but i dont have any friends or bestfriend here in uk .. Besides u and marzia.. And i miss having a bestfriend.. Can you be my bestfriend ?" i ask in awkward tone

"hahaha ofcourse yes... I think its awesome to have a girl bestfriend..."

"ooooohhhhh yes yes ys yes yes!!!!!!!"
I said wiggling him

"hey calmdown.."

"yes yes yiiiisss!! 1 out of 5 check" i said in big smile

"oooookkkkaaayyy" he said confused..

"umm wait a minute... Why youre still up its 1 am you should sleep..." i ask him

"well im looking for my bestfriend..and im about to cry cause i think i did something bad to her" he said in sarcastic tone..

"im sorry then.." in sad tone

"hey.. Im just kidding..come on lets go to sleep.."

We walk upstair and realized something...

"umm felix i can sleep at the floor..ill just goin to ad---"

"no! Ill sleep at the floor.. You sleep at bed!" hes being gentleman now..lolz

"no felix! Real woman can do this!" i said raising one eyebrow.

"no maine! Real men doesnt let woman to do it!" were arguing right now..but i dont want to so i gave up..

"fine fine... You won but let me fix your bed" i said

He give me the look 'i can do this'
So i pleaded "please?"

I want to be nice to him as a payback for being nice to me too.

Now i lay down to his bed and he slept at the floor. Actually not on the floor cause he use some comforter and bed sheets

"goodmornight maine.." he said in sleepy tone
"goodmornight felix" i replied...

Well i cant sleep.. I dont know why..its so uncomfortable.. I play some games in my phone to try if im goin to sleepy...

Its already three but i cant sleep..

I want to check if felix is sleep but im sure he does

Felix POV
ugh i cant sleep..the bed is so hard.. I want to check im maine is still awake so maybe i can sleep beside her...

I have to get some sleep for tommorow...

I better check her out

Maines POV
I go at the edge of my bed and try to look at him but im shock when i saw him do the same thing.

"oohhh" i think felix is shocked and we feel so awkward right now..

"umm you cant sleep too?" i ask him awkwardly..

"uhh yeah.. Umm uh im uncomfortable in my bed..uhh ca-can i share with you... " he ask awkwardly too.. Everything is so awkward now

"um o---" he cutted

"but if you dont like its fine" he said

"noo uumm its fine.. Its ok with me. we can change..i can sleep there and you can sleep here.. " i cant say no..its his bed

"no stay in there if youre goin to sleep here.. Ill stay here.." he said..

"fine ill stay can go here now.. Umm can we put something between us like pillows or something.?" i suggest

"ohhh okay.." so he put pillows between us and i fell asleep

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