"I love you"

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When I look into your eyes,

I see a land filled with nothing but dreams and possibilities,

Making me want to believe that there is a future with you.

Your beautiful smile, is just one more reason why I look forward to each and everyday.

I have been longing to tell, though only one thing has been stopping me.


I just couldn't take the risk,

Just thinking about it makes me cringe.

Maybe in the near future,

I will gain the courage to finally tell you.

For those three words I want to say may change everything.

For nothing can even explain how I feel,

For only one thing occupies my mind day and night.

And that is :"I LOVE YOU"!!!!!!


This poem was and still is dedicated to ________(I left it blank so people can just keep guessing who it is)

-love you all and thanks to those who follow me.

You all deserve a Bluetooth hug and kiss from me (hahahahah.......do you get the joke...no?...umm....OK never mind)

Toodles,Cheerio, good bye(for now)

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