I Am

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I am the mighty one,
The conqueror of all fears.

Bayede!!!(<its a Zulu word)
They shall shout,for I am the warrior you seek.

Bayede!!!(Zulu word)
For I am the one with mother nature.

Call me Aphrodite, the goddess of love.
Bayede!!!(Zulu word)
For I am as fearless as a lion.

Bayede!!!(Zulu word)
I am the leader of all nations,
For I lead with dignity and pride.

Bayede!!!(Zulu word)
High above the clouds,
I fly like the majestic eagle.

With a smile as bright as the sun and so angelic,
Each day is a new beginning.

Bayede!!!(Zulu word)
For I am the mighty one.
For those who don't know....."Bayede" is a Zulu word that is used to praise the Zulu kings and queens. I used it because at school we were told to create a poem(lucky for me...I love poetry)... About ourselves and how do we see ourselves when we look at our reflection. So.......I wrote this poem.
Though I still really think  I think too highly of myself.

Trivia: Zulu is my home language and English is my second language thought I speak it fluently.
I am from the continent of Africa in a country called South Africa....in a city called Durban.
So yeah....I'm  South African though I want to visit America one day(maybe even live there) cos I have heard and seen(on the Internet.....to be specific.. On Google pics) a lot of great things.

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