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I was once an extraordinary girl,

A girl with hopes,dreams and plans for the future.

That was before it all vanished.

Hopeless, courageless and friendless is how I feel.

Bunched up in a corner,

With nothing but darkness surrounding me.

I was holding on to dear life,

Like the last string on a broken guitar.

My smile that was once as bright as the sun soon turned into a frown.

Wounded and bloody scars was the only reminder I had left of who I have come to be.

Only then,

I realised I had a hole in my heart.

A hole that could never be filled by anyone or anything.

A hole that made me feel neglected and lonely.

Deep down I knew that,that hole was there because of one reason......

..........I was empty......


This poem literally made me cry as I wrote it in my book where I write all my poems,I perfectly describes how I felt yesterday when a person I called my best friend (I've known her since our kindergarten days)....she backstabbed me......only it hurt alot when she said "I no longer want to be your friend"..... And there I was standing and as confused as hell because I was trying to think of what I did to her though I knew that I had done nothing wrong. So yeah.....:'( 

FEELINGS THAT CANNOT BE ERASEDWhere stories live. Discover now