Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

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I fell and shattered into a million pieces,
Pieces you wouldn't even be able to see under a microscope.
I stood there as you plunged my heart out of my chest,
Hoping you would give it back someday though I knew you never would.

I hid behind a tree,
The very same same tree where you stole my first kiss.
I watch as you ruin yet another girl's life,
The same way you ruined mine just two days ago.

I will rise up again,
Stronger that before,
Because I know that I have a purpose in life.
A purpose that is way more important than you.
Not that you were important to begin with anyway.

I can see just it,
Three years from now,
When I ask you what is your purpose in life.
I can already hear you answer in my head saying,"my purpose is to take away a girls innocence..... a girl's virginity, the same way I did to you three years ago.
An:   hello loves......thank you for reading this far.
Please ......


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