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I walked down the dark street...
Memories of you invading my mind every time I tried to think.

The memories of how you just stared at me when I said "hi",
making me feel like a lifeless girl,speaking to her long lost lover,but he couldn't hear her....
Because she was a ghost.

Memories of how you left that sweet earthy smell behind every time you walked past me,

The intoxicating smell turned me into a drug addict,
And you were my drug... I craved to have a dose of you everyday.

Memories of how you turned my happiness into insecurities when you told me how my eyes would squint different sizes when I laughed or smiled... so every time I was happy I would look down and cover my face,

Sometimes I would walk away from all the things that made me happy because of how insecure I felt.

And its so stupidly annoying...
That I still manage to crack a smile every time I see you, even though you broke my heart.

FEELINGS THAT CANNOT BE ERASEDWhere stories live. Discover now