All The Way Up

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So I'm chillen at Albee's house with him and French trying to figure out why he called me over. He said he had something to show me so I'm just waiting to see what it is.

Erica : So are you gonna show me what it is or do I have to guess?

He looks up from his phone and stares at me. I can see it in his eyes that I'm not gonna like whatever it is. He then looks back down at his phone and then he puts it down on a table.

Albee : You never told me why you went with Amina instead of Cyn last night to the party

Erica : I thought it was best we didn't . The media would have made it a big thing and then it would have turned into something else . I didn't want us to have to deal with that right now.

He nods his head

Albee : So are yall together or just working on it?

Erica : We're just taking it slow , I don't wanna rush it again

They both burst out laughing so hard and I look at them like they crazy.

Erica : What the fuck is so funny?

Albee still laughing but puts his left hand up

Albee : Calm down okay. It's just funny that you said yall are taking it slow when I know that yall are already fuckin'

French M : Yeah we already know you smashin' shorty

I roll my eyes but I can't help but laugh as well . I never told them we fucked but I guess they just know me so well

Erica : I don't know what chu' talking about

Albee looks at me like ''Really Bitch'' . I just smile and look at him

Erica : What?

Albee : The world knows yall been fuckin' . Have you not seen what the fans are saying ? Everybody knows that you and Cyn can't keep your hands off each other when yall together.

French M : Yeah he got a point

Okay I guess he has a point . It's impossible for me to be around her and not touch her . Even with all the time we been apart I still want her just as bad as I did before.... if not more.

Albee : And I seen those damn hickies on her neck in that snapchat video.

French M : All the way up !

They start laughing and then I start laughing too . I shrug my shoulders because I know he got me on that one .

Erica : Okay you got me bitch. Maybe we did a little catching up before the club and I got a little out of hand.

I smile and wink at them and Albee looks digusted

Albee : That's nasty

Erica : Hey , you brought it up so oh well . So when are you gonna tell me why I'm here?

He gets a serious look and then he grabs his phone off the table.

Albee : Okay I'm gonna show you this video but before you blow up just let me tell you what I know so far. Okay?

I nod my head as he hands me the phone . I look at the phone and I see its a video so I play it .

The video is done playing and I can't stop all these thoughts going through my head right now. I can't even stop looking at the phone as I see Her and him.

Erica : Albee what the fuck is this?

I say it in my calm voice because I can feel myself about to blow . I don't know what the fuck is going on but I don't fuckin' like it.

Albee : Look E , all we know is that while you went with Amina to the party Cyn went out with Game.

That's pretty fuckin' obvious but what I'm not understanding is why she went out with this nigga and why the fuck didn't I know about it?

Albee : There's a few rumors going around online about it right now . I woke up this morning and seen this shit and I knew I had to tell you.

French M : E the rumors don't matter , don't worry about that.

I look at French and then I look at Albee

Erica : Rumors like what?

Albee : Rumors like someone saw her with her leg on his chair and saw him rubbing her legs .

French M : It don't mean its true nigga , E don't believe that shit until you talk to your girl.

I roll my eyes and put my head down in my hands . I am beyond pissed right now... I know she's not stupid enough to be out in fuckin' LA with a nigga that I'm suppose to be cool with. She wouldn't even know this nigga if it wasn't for me......You know what Fuck Her and Fuck Him

Albee : I see the wheels turning in your head. Look don't go crazy , maybe it was just a friendly dinner you know? Lolo was there too so maybe it was nothing .

I look up from my hands and just stare at him

Erica : She shouldn't of went out with them so I don't give a fuck who was there or who wasn't . She had no business going out with that nigga PERIOD.

French M: E I get it but you know how friendly Cyn is . Maybe she didn't think it would be a big deal.

Albee : Or maybe she should of just told Erica about it when she knows how Erica is.

French M : Yo Al don't make the shit worse . Look E , the best thing to do right now is go talk to her.

Erica : That's the last thing I should do right now , I just might choke the shit out of her.

I just don't know how to handle this right now . Would she really go behind my back and get with this nigga? After all we went through to get to this point of finally being in each other life again... why would she fuck that up?

French M : Let's light this shit up and get high so you can calm yo ass down... and then you gotta go talk to her .

Hey guys so I wanted to try this out to see if it would be good. So tell me what you guys think and I will definitely do a part 2 to this with Cyn if you guys like it. Go easy on me lol its my first try at Erica and Cyn stories

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