All The Way Up 3

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Erica's POV

So I'm in my apartment now with French and Albee . Albee came right over after French called him. I can't even focus on them right now with all these thoughts in my head.I think I really might have lost her this time . How could I be so cruel ? I thought I changed and became this better person but here I am still being the bitch I thought I finally left behind. Of all people why do I constantly hurt her?

Albee : Okay maybe you said some foul shit but some of that shit needed to be said

I look at him like he's crazy

Erica : How can you say that? She didn't deserve any of it . I was angry and I just said that shit to hurt her.

Albee : Look Cyn isn't innocent in this . The shit with Ray proves that so you shouldn't feel so bad

French M : Al just shut up man . Look E you clearly feel bad about it so you should just go see her and make it right

Albee just rolls his eyes and shakes his head but doesn't say anything

Erica : She won't wanna talk to me. After everything I just said to her it's no way she will.

French M : That's why you gotta make her listen.

Albee : Erica look yall relationship been a rollercoaster since yall started dating . Don't you think that's a sign to let it go?

French M : Yo Al , why don't you take yo ass in the back room....or better yet just leave

Albee : I'm tryin' to help our friend realize that Cyn just isn't the one.

French M : Nigga how would you know?

Albee : Cyn is just too much of a problem

French : The only problem I see is you

Albee : Well I'm sorry that I'm being harsh but it's the truth ... you supposed to be her friend but you want her to chase somebody who don't wanna be with her.

French M : I say if you love somebody then you should do everything in your power to be with them no matter how hard it may seem. You wouldn't understand that though because you have no one

Albee : Oh , was that your motto with Khloe ? Cause I could've sworn she dumped yo ass

Erica : Okay that's enough guys please just stop. I feel like I have an angel and the devil in my house right now .

I run my hands through my hair as I think about my next step

Erica : Look I will figure out what I'm gonna do with Cyn on my own. French thank you for supporting me through all this . Albee either you join TeamCyn or get left behind. I love her and I don't wanna let her go and as my bestfriend you need to understand that.

He rolls his eyes but nods his head

Albee : If you really wanna work it out with her for the 100th time then as a bestfriend I'm with you.

Erica : Thank you .. Look I'm gonna go for a ride, I just need some air and time to think.

French M : Ight well I'm going to the studio so if you need me just call . I hope it works out with Cyn too.

We hug and then he leaves .

Albee : Well I gotta go too ... Look I know I haven't been that supportive of you and Cyn but if you really want to be with her then make sure you show her the Erica that she fell in love with. This might be your last chance so you gotta go all the way into those emotions and show her the love you never shown before.

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