All The Way Up 2

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Erica's POV

So I just left Albee's and I'm in the car with French heading home . My mind is racing right now and I honestly don't know what to do. I know I need to talk to Cyn but I really don't want to and I really don't think I will be able to control my temper.

French M : So whatchu gonna do?

I sigh

Erica : I'm just gonna text her and ask her to meet me at the crib

French M : Ight cool , you want me to stick around ?

I think it might be best if he does .

Erica : Yeah you should . I don't know how this shit is gonna go but I'm gonna get down to the bottom of this shit .

French M : Don't just start accusing though E , I mean just ask be chill and hear her out at least.

I couldn't help but to roll my eyes at this nigga . Cyn is a fucking angel in everyone eyes and I'm always the bad guy.

We pull up to the crib and I see that Cyn is here waiting on the steps. I can't lie though , even though I'm pissed off at her she is still so fuckin' beautiful. But I can't let that get in my way of why I asked her to come here.

Erica : Just stay in the car and i'll handle this right quick

French M : Ight I gotchu

I get out of the car and I walk over to her. She gets off the steps to stand and hug me but I pull back

Erica : I'm not feeling a hug right now

She looks a little hurt and confused but I don't care at this point. I need my answers...Now

Erica : How was your date with Game last night?

She rolls her eyes and shakes her head

Cyn : My date Erica.. really? I went out with Game and Lolo to dinner because you didn't want me to come with you . Do you remember that?

Erica : So because I didn't want you to come you decided to go out on a date with this nigga ?

Cyn : Why the fuck do you keep saying date? THEY invited me out to eat and I went because I had nothing to do.

Erica : It looked like a fucking date to me . You sittin' next to this nigga and I seen the way you was lookin' at him .

Cyn : Erica please ,That's bullshit . I wasn't lookin at him no type of way so stop. I don't want him and I never wanted him. Lolo was right there with us.

Erica : Why didn't you tell me about it ? No better yet , why didn't you ask me if it was okay ?

Cyn : Ask you? Erica I don't need your permission to do anything. I didn't think it was a big fuckin deal that I went out to eat since my ''Girlfriend'' decided she didn't want us to be seen out at events together.

Erica : Well it is a big deal and I don't appreciate you going behind my back to chill with a nigga that's suppose to be cool with me. Did you come to LA for me or was I just the hook-up for you to get closer to him?

She is definitely pissed now

Cyn : Are you fuckin' serious right now ? Erica if I wanted him, believe me I wouldn't need you to get to him. I thought I came to LA to fix our shit but apparently I came here to deal with the same bullshit that I dealt with in New York. You know I would never do that to you

Erica : Do I though? I mean yall probably been talking on IG for awhile now. Maybe you already fucked him .. I don't know I mean you did fuck Ray behind my back right? You wanna be this part time girlfriend ....

Cyn : Part time girlfriend!? Erica I never cheated on you ! All I ever did was love you and what did you do to me? You hurt me over and over Erica . All you do is cheat in every relationship you have . That's why you single because you don't know how to be loyal !

Erica : I don't know how to be loyal ? It wasn't too long ago you had that nigga riding around in your car behind my back . You try to play this fuckin' innocent role Cyn and its getting old , nobody is falling for it . So if you fuckin Game you can go head and keep fuckin him cause I don't need no hoes around me that wanna fuck all my friends

She walks up on me and I know I definitely pushed her buttons

Cyn : Bitch you fuck your own friends ! I don't need to do that .

She's in my face and I'm really trying to keep my cool. I see French step outside the car . I guess he knows its a matter of time before things go left.

Cyn : You know what I don't need this and I don't need you Erica . You don't have to worry about me anymore

Erica : Yeah go back to New York and be with that nigga you was so in love... or my bad go back to suckin Game's dick

Cyn : Bitch fuck you ! You probably sucked his dick and you probably fuckin French too !

French put both his hands up like ''I ain't got nothing to do with this''

Erica : You got one more time to call me a bitch Cynthia

Now she's really all up in my face . she really trying to push my buttons

Cyn : Or what Erica ? You gon hit me again ?

French comes over and gets between .

French M : Yo yall gotta chill man , this is gettin' outta hand

Erica : I'll chill when this bitch go back to New York

Cyn balls her hands up into fist and put them up to her face . She's trying to calm herself down before she flips out. I know that I definitely hurt her but at this point I don't care . She said some hurtful shit to me too so it is what it is.

Cyn : French don't worry , I'm just gonna do what Erica does best and just walk away. I am done with this shit.

She turns around and walks away to get into her car. French turns to look at me and shakes his head.

French M : Yo I thought you was gonna fix it not fuck it up

Erica : I didn't fuck it up . She did that when she went out with that nigga. This not the first time she went behind my back . She did the same shit with Rich. She attaches herself to whoever I fuck with, Like yo get the fuck outta here.

French M : I don't believe she was fuckin' with game. Cyn loves you Erica and I know you don't wanna hear it but I think you fucked up . She put up with a lot of shit from you yo like you can't deny that

I roll my eyes and I'm about to walk away but he grabs my arm

French M : Look I'm on your side but I'm just sayin' look back at all the shit you did to her and how many times she took you back. She did that shit on TV my nigga . you made her look like a fool but she still rocked witchu . That's a fuckin ride or die .

I hear everything French is saying and even though I'm pissed i cant deny that he's right. I wasn't a good girlfriend to her but she loved me and stuck by me. Not only that but she was willing to give it another try even though she knew the world would bash her for it.

I walk over to the car and lean my head on the window. It's this moment that I realized I might have just fucked up the best thing I've ever had in my life. The thought of someone else touching her or even being in her presence made me so fuckin angry . But instead of just telling her how it made me feel i pretty much just made her feel like shit. Why do i keep hurting her? Maybe the dinner she had with game was innocent and maybe the blogs just blew it up because they knew it would make me crazy and pull us apart. I can't just let us end like this .....How can i fix this??

So I'm not to sure i like this part but i hope you guys do ...Please excuse any errors ... idk if i should do part 3 or just do a random oneshot next. Until next time guys

Don't Let GoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora