There She Is Again

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Erica's POV

So it's been a few weeks and I finally have a location for my store . There's still a little bit of work that needs to be done but it's looking good so far and I'm planning to have a grand opening next week. Not only am I excited about the store but also Cyn and I have started planning the wedding . It's been hard trying to lock down an official date since both of our schedules have been crazy... I been stressing over it lately but I know we'll figure it out.

''Do you know how big this grand opening is gonna be?'' says Albee

We decided to go out and get some lunch .. It's so nice out so we got an outside table

I smile ''Yeah I know .. I seriously can't wait. I'm living my dream.''

''I'm so proud of you E.. I knew you could do it'' he says

''Thank you'' I say with a smile

''So have you and Cyn decided on a date yet?''

I shake my head ''Nope''

''What's the hold up?''

''We're both way too busy right now . We have our own things going on''

''Okay I get that .. but come on now you can't be so busy that you can't marry your girl''

I'm a little shocked that he says that ''Well look at you .. It wasn't too long ago that you couldn't stand the thought of me marrying Cyn. Now you wanna rush me into it'' I say with a laugh

''I told you I seen the evil in my ways and I wanted to change'' he says with a laugh ''But seriously I do think Cyn is good for you .. I know I was wrong about everything I did before''

''Well I'm glad that you changed your mind about her . She really means the world to me..''

''Then why is it so hard to pick a date and marry your girl? I have a feeling it's a little more to the story''

I can't stand him sometimes .. Being married to Cyn is definitely what I want and I honestly can't wait .. But I have been stressing out over it.

''I love Cyn and I want to marry her .. It's just scary to think about being with someone forever. What if I mess things up? We both know how selfish i am and ---''

''Erica stop'' he cuts me off

''What?'' i ask

''Don't go looking for excuses on why the marriage wouldn't work. You love Cyn and she loves you and you'll work through whatever problems come along. There is no marriage out here that's perfect so don't stress about what could go wrong.''

For the first time i think he might actually be right

''Yeah your right .. It's just after the engagement to Shad and everything falling apart in that situation it scares me to think about me and Cyn not working out . We've been through so much already and i feel like i always find a way to fuck things up. What if she gives up on me ?''

''Erica ... How many times have you broke this girl heart ? Now think about how many times she came back to you after you broke her heart ... A lot right ? I think she proved that she's willing to ride with you til the end. What more do you need her to prove?''

''I don't need her to prove anything Al .. i already know she loves me''

''Then stop doubting it . If she didn't think you were the one she wouldn't be here .. And if you didn't think she was the one then you wouldn't have proposed .''

''Yeah you're right.'' i say as i think about everything he just said

''Okay so since we're on the subject of Cyn . Did you tell her about the store?''

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