All The Way Up 4

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Erica's POV

So I'm laying in bed with Cyn , she has her head on my chest while I have my arms wrapped around her . We stayed up talking all night with little sleep. That's another thing I love about her , I can talk to her for hours and hours and still have so many things to talk about. I made so many promises to her last night and I'm gonna try my best not to break them. I still can't believe that she forgave me after everything I did to her... but I guess that's what they call a real love.

''Babe...'' she says


''Did you mean it when you said you wanted to marry me?''

''I meant every word I said last night Cyn''

She lifts her head up and turns to kiss me .

''Are you sure you wanna marry me?'' I ask her as we pull apart

She gets a serious look on her face ''Erica the love I feel for you is stronger than anything I've ever felt with anyone else. I believe in the love we have and I know we will get this right. So to answer your question ... Yes I'm 100 percent sure that I want to marry you.''

I can't help but smile . I grab her and kiss all over her face

She laughs ''Babeeee''

''What? I just love you so much''

''I love you more''

''I wanna take you out on a date tonight''

''Awww babe , Where are we going?''

''That's for me to know baby.'' I stick my tongue out at her ''But I have to go , I have a few things I gotta take care of today.''

She pouts but lets me get up

''Don't pout baby , ill see you tonight.'' I kiss her and then go into the bathroom to freshen up and fix my hair.

''Alright baby ill see you later'' I say as I walk to the door and leave out


Knock Knock

I get up and go answer the door and I see it's Albee and French. I called them over so I could tell them some very important news .

''So what's up girl? Let me guess ... Cyn rejected you didn't she?''

I roll my eyes ''Actually she forgave me and we are working it out''

French M : See I told you it would work . I'm happy for you sis''

I smile '' Thank you''

''Wow I'm shocked... but I'm happy for you too''

''So what's up E , what's the important news?'' says French

I smile and say ''I'm gonna ask Cyn to marry me''

''Oh my god'' says Albee as he puts his hands over his face

'' Yo foreal ? I think that's great sis. You know im witchu''

''Are you serious right now?'' Albee says

''What? What's wrong with that?''

''Erica yall just got back together . How does that make sense?''

''I love her and I don't wanna live without her.''

''So you decide to propose? Look I was trying to be happy with yall being back together but I don't know if I can support this proposal.''

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