All The Way Up 9

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Erica's POV

''I know I made things bad for you and I'm sorry. I really want to fix this Erica.. Can you please forgive me for this? I will not only become a better friend to you but I promise to help you become a better person for Cyn . Can you let me do that ?''

I'm taking all this in and I don't know how to feel about it .. He purposely did this to ruin my relationship .. In what world would that be forgivable ? I can't believe I didn't see it happening right in front of my face.

''All of this just because you don't like Cyn?'' I ask

''I never said I didn't like her ...I just didn't trust her and I didn't like how you were changing for her''

''I'm not changing Al , I'm just trying to be better for her. You do remember that I'm engaged right? I can't be that wild and crazy Erica anymore.''

''I know'' he sighs ''Erica I won't make a mistake like this again. I will make it right with Cyn and i'll be a better friend to you. Just give me a chance to prove it.''

I'm gonna give him a chance to make things right only because I really love him. He's always been like a brother to me and I can't see me living my life without him right there beside me . He made a mistake and he owned up to it so it's only right that I forgive him. Hopefully he understands what he did and really changes.

''Okay .. I'll let you prove it to me. But ... only if you can get Cyn to forgive you.''

''I'll tell her everything and i'll fix it. Do you think she will forgive me?''

''Ummm ..... Just be honest about everything and tell her how sorry you are. Maybe it won't be so bad''

It's probably gonna be bad but I won't tell him that

''Okay ...Maybe you're right''

''Just relax and get some sleep.''


''She's in the kitchen now .. Just go talk to her.''

''Hell no .. What if she grabs a knife and tries to kill me?''

I laugh ''She won't kill you''

I been standing here with Al for at least 20 mins trying to get him to finally talk to Cyn. He's so scared and I'm actually enjoying it.

''What happened to all that talk you had last night ? Just go tell her everything and apologize.''

''She's gonna be mad E''

''Well duh , you should've thought about that before you pulled your little stunt. Now go talk to her''

''You come with me then'' he tries to grab my arm

''Hell no .. Me being there won't really make it any better for you.''

''Well can you at least stay close by?''

''Oh my god'' I laugh ''You are really scared right now''

''It's not funny Erica''

''Ohhhh but it was funny when it was me? Look I will stay close by .. now go''

He nods and then he walks into the kitchen .. I follow but I hide behind the wall and watch

He walks over to Cyn while she's sitting at the kitchen table looking at her phone ''Good morning''

She looks at him and then looks back at her phone

Well damn ...

He looks back and me and shakes his head and I shrug my shoulders

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