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"It's getting closer!" Dipper screamed as he looked behind them. "You think?" Mabel replied. The golf cart they were in sped through the forest path. The pack of monsters were on their tail. Those hideous creatures look like black bears with white spikes jutting from various parts of their bodies. As Dipper was busy glancing behind, Mabel noticed the end of the track. "Look out!" she yelled, alarming her twin brother and he jerked the wheel left and they avoided crashing into trees-heading towards more trees and a far more dangerous path. The cart violently swerved to the side, almost flipping itself over. The creatures seem to shrink as they managed to shake them off their tail. But unfortunately, out of the frying pan and into the fire. "I think we lost them!" Mabel said. "But not the trees!" Dipper said quickly and tried to turn the cart another direction, but the cart was accelerating more and more into the trees. "I can't stop it!"
The twins screamed and braced for impact.
Suddenly, a white object appeared in front of the cart right before colliding with the tree stopping it instantly, sending Mabel flying out of the front of the golf cart. She landed face first onto the ground, probably eating dirt.
"Mabel, are you okay?" Dipper panickly asked. She held a thumb up. "Shtill okey." she murmured, probably literally eating dirt. "Next time, wear your seatbelt." her brother advised. "I refuse." she said boldly, getting up.
Dipper unbuckled his seatbelt and rushed beside Mabel. "What was that?" he asked, looking around. Mabel gasped. "It's the Unicorns! They're here for revenge. HIDE!" she screamed, shaking his brother's shoulders.
"There's no way the Unicorns could've done it, and if they were to do it, we would already be-"
"Covered in glitter?"
"No, we would be-"
"Covered in makeup?"
"What? No, we would probably be-"
Suddenly, someone stood up from inside a bush that was next to them.
"Greetings, humans!" a girl said.
Dipper was startled and fell backwards.
"Hello!" Mabel said happily.
Her twin quickly got to his feet. "Who are you?"
"I'm Ruby! Nice to meet you!" she said, holding her hand out for a handshake. Reluctantly, he tried to give Ruby a handshake, but Mabel quickly shoved him out of the way and wildly shook her hand.
"I'm Mabel, and this is my brother Dipper!" she said, still shaking her hand. Ruby faked a small smile. "Heheh...energetic, huh?" she asked. "Tell me about it." Dipper grumbled. The Red Riding Hood lookalike stared at him with a blank expression for an uncomfortable period of time.
"Well, I'm like that too!" she suddenly said.
"Oh my God."
She stepped out of the bush. "Hello! I'm Ruby. Wait, did I tell you that? Oh, yes I did. Well, if you didn't know, I saved your lives, well, technically, Weiss did, and oh, Weiss is my partner. I mean, not 'partner', partner, she's my friend! In fact, she's my best friend!" she said.
A girl dropped down from one of the trees. "I'm not your best friend." Weiss said.
"Wait, aren't you supposed to be handling the Grimm?" Ruby asked. Her friend's eyes widen.
Suddenly, the pack of monsters-Grimm, caught up. Dipper and Mabel started to panic. "Run!" Dipper yelled.
"No, hide."
"Why should we listen to you?" he questioned.
Ruby grinned and brought out Cresent Rose.

"It's just Ursa, Weiss. This should b easy." she said to her not-really-a-partner-partner.

A Grimm leapt towards her. She did a 360° spin and swung her scythe at the creature, disentigrating. Dipper stared in awe. He tried to recall seeing these creatures in one of the journals, but in vain. This was new.
Ruby spun her weapon around, hitting Grimm. Weiss was slashing and dashing with her rapier sword that she wielded. Mabel grabbed a nearby rock and threw it at one of the creatures. Nothing happened. "Mabel! What are you trying to do? Get us killed?" Dipper said, panicking.

Without replying, she grabbed a larger rock and threw it at it again. Nothing happened. "Hey, stupid!" she yelled. The fearsome beast turned to face the source of the voice it heard. "Uh-oh."

The twins ran screaming as it chased after them. Ruby noticed this and morphed her scythe into a sniper rifle. She shot at the Grimm multiple times in the head, knocking it down. "Thank you!" Mabel yelled from afar. "How awesome can that weapon get?" Dipper asked himself.

Ruby smiled back at Dipper, who was unaware that he was smiling too. Mabel looked at him funny. "Uh-oh." she said sarcastically, poking his shoulder.


"Looks like..."



"Please, no."


"Seriously, no."

"IN LOVE WITH RUBY--" Mabel said out loud before Dipper could stop her.


"I hate my life." Dipper sighed.


Well. That happened. Long story short, a one-shot is a one-shot and I'll leave it at that and let the wonderful fanbase decide for themselves. Watch as they go fantasizing about this and start using the word Dipby all day long.


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