Park Visit ^O^

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"My legs are going to kill me if I don't sit down. . ." I grumble as I slowly walked beside Darren.

He stops. "Wha—? Why didn't you say so?" he asks, looking at me with caring eyes.

"Uh—well. . .er—" I stutter, not finding a reasonable excuse.

"Don't worry, me too." he said, winking.

My cheeks felt like they were bright pink. He probably wasn't winking at me in that kind of way. . .but still. . .

We find a bench that was underneath a decently shady tree.

As soon as he sits down, he starts stretching. "Ah man. . .I'm done for today." he groans.

"Just by casually walking around the park for a few minutes?" I ask.

"Y-Yeah, but. . ." he tries to come up with an excuse, but in vain.

"Admit it. I'm more fit than you are." I said, smirking.

He frowns. "No way. Unlike you, I actually work out. You see these bad boys?" he states, rolling up his sleeve to show very little muscle.

"That's it? Although. . .I'm pleasantly surprised that you actually work out." I blurted.

"Pleasantly. . . ?" he says, ever so slowly forming a grin on his face.

I realized what I just said and covered my mouth.

Now he's the one smirking.

Crap. I boosted his self-esteem. Random question random question random question to get rid of the awkwardness. . .

"Who's your crush?" I blurted, and yet again, I cover my mouth in shock.

"Why did I say that? This makes things worse!" I thought.

Even he seems a bit embarrassed getting asked that kind of question.

"Why do you ask?"

"No reason. . .just asking. . ." I replied, almost a suspicious tone in my voice.

"My crush, eh? I'm not sure. I sort of like everybody on a neutral level now?" he says, not a statement, a question.

"What about me? Am I just another neutral person?" I ask, curious.

"Oh, I guess I like you more than everybody else."

That was definitely a lie. He definitely likes someone more than me. Knowing him, he probably said that to not hurt my feelings.

"What about your crush?" he asks.

I immediately stand up, avoiding the question.

"I'll buy ice cream for the both of us! Stay here." I exclaimed all of a sudden, startling him.

He grabs my hand.

He tries to stand up too, but he accidentally fell, bringing me down along with him.

Something soft touched my lips.

I open my eyes to see his eyes widely staring into mine as our lips touched.

I quickly got off of him and covered my mouth. "I-I'M SORRY!" I said.

"It's okay, Emilia! It was my fault." he mumbled, staring dazedly at me.

"I-I'll go get the ice cream! I'll be right back!" I said as I rushed to the ice cream parlor, face as red as a tomato.

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