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I wake up with a cold sweat. What did I just remember? I think to myself.

When I was 14, Calvin asked me this,"You wanna go camping?"

I laugh,"I don't know why. You're no Boy Scout and you always act like a sissy with mosquitos."

It was a hot Friday in July, an old 70's song in my head. Everything is fine.

I'm wearing knee-high neon socks, hiking boots, kaki shorts, and a 2006 summer camp shirt.

Calvin and I hike through the woods. I've been recently diagnosed with narcolepsy, which Calvin is very worried about; he thinks I'm just going to pass out, a bear trample me, a raccoon eat my leftovers and then get raped by a Cuban. How he comes up with these things, I'll never know, nor do I want to know.

A few weeks prior, I overheard Calvin talking to one of his friends. Apparently He's in love with me. It's not a surprise, we've been best friends since we were fetuses. And I am in love with him too.

That, or it's just hormones. You know, it's most likely that one.

But Calvin's been acting odd around me lately. Knowing him, something is bothering him, and I think I know what.

I breath in the sticky, summer air. I walk at a steady pace behind Calvin. This hike is kind of miserable. Calvin isn't making fun of me, or the pinecones. Fuck, it's always the pinecones.

I stop at a picnic table,"Hey." I tap his shoulder, "Could we stop for a moment?" Calvin turns around and sits down at the picnic table. I sit opposite of him,"Hey Calvin, may I talk to you?"

Calvin looks into my eyes,"Yeah, what about?"

I look to the left to see a squirrel,"You've seemed distracted lately. Are you okay?"

Calvin looks back at the trail,"I-I'm fine, Nora. It's just high school and I'm busy." Calvin stands up, walking back to the trail.

I laugh,"You don't give a shit about school, what's bothering you?"


Calvin sighs,"It's getting dark, we should set up camp."

A few hours pass. I can still tell something is bothering Calvin, though he's trying to hide it by joking about bashing his head with a rock.

He takes a bite of his s'more,"Nora, can I talk to you?"

I look at him and smile,"I thought you were."

Calvin laughs,"Yeah, but seriously?"

My smile fades,"Sure, what's on your mind?"

Calvin scoots closer to me,"I don't know how to say this." He looks to the left.

I furrow my brows,"Well, you take your voice and you use it. You only do it 24/7."

Calvin looks into my eyes and kisses me. It was my first kiss, and it was not at all great.

The "Doing molly at a party being our first kiss" was a bunch of bull.

The kiss went on for forever, or at least it felt like it. When it stopped, I already longed for his taste again.

I look at Calvin and laugh,"Or just use no words."

Calvin holds my shoulders,"Nora, I love you. I wouldn't care if you fucked dogs or ate crickets, I love you," and kissed me again.

An hour or two passes. We're lying in the tent. Calvin whispers,"The dog and cricket thing was a joke by the way. If you did that, you are fucking messed up."

I laugh,"I'm a hamster person anyway."

Calvin sits up and looks at me,"Nora, your dad told me something."

I sit up and look at him,"What is it?"

Tears start to fill his eyes,"You have a tumor in your brain."

I look down,"Am I going to die?"

"He said it's very small," Calvin sniffles.

I start to cry,"I love you Calvin."

The night comes and goes. I spent the whole night in Calvin's arms, hoping I wouldn't die here.

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