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The summer passed as quickly as it came. Calvin never talked about my tumor again.

It was the first day of 10th grade. I walk into the building with fear. I basically hate almost everyone at school. But the first day comes and goes. I'm only happy I have five classes with Calvin.

Two months pass and fall break is next week.

I smile,"Hey Calvin."

He looks over his locker,"Oh just the reptile I needed to see."

I chuckle,"Why?"

Calvin puts his right hand on my left shoulder,"I have a surprise for you."

I smile,"Okay, see you after school; the usual place."

Ever since Calvin and I went on our camping trip, if we ever need to get away, we always go to that one spot.

"Hey Calvin," I shout.

There's a big grin on his face,"I have something huge for you."

I sighed,"So it's not the little friend downstairs."

Calvin laughed,"No, sadly not, but I bought us tickets to go to California."

I widen my mouth,"Awesome! But how?"

He looked to the left,"I have connections."

I laugh,"Your connections are your grandma and your rich brother."

He laughs,"That is completely true. But for fall break we're going to some cheap hotel and beach."

I smile,"That's awesome! I have one-" Calvin cuts me off by giving me a kiss.

We fall into the leaves with that slobbery kiss.

"Hey,"I laugh. "You made me loose my glasses."

We laugh for what feels like an eternity.

It's next Monday and I'm all packed and ready for California.

We hop on the plane. It's a pretty smooth ride; not many complications. I just have to hold Calvin's hand the whole time because he's scared of a crash.

When we get to the hotel I plop on the bed,"That was a lot of work, holding your hand, you gasping every 5 seconds."

His eyes widen,"Wh- I didn't do that. You-you were scared so that's why you held my hand."

I nod,"Sure. Because it was you whispering 'We're going to die' every 5 minutes."

Calvin sits down next to me on the bed,"I've got another surprise for you."

I look at him,"What?"

"Fucking Disney Land,"He pulls out tickets from his pocket and smiles.

I laugh,"You hate Disney with all your might-which isn't much- why Disney?"

His smile fades,"You've always wanted to go to Disney World, my grandma and brother aren't that rich, so Disney Land will have to do."

I chuckle,"Thank you- really. This is awesome."

The next few days pass. We go to Disney Land, it's a blast- at least for me. Calvin complains about the heat non-stop; even though it was only 75F outside.

We're at the beach and Calvin complains,"It's too hot."

I sit next to him on the beach towel,"I know. You've stated this 100 times just today. And yes, in counting."

He laughs,"I want the 45F back. I may be a reptile, but not a good one."

I laugh and lay my head on his chest,"The ocean is pretty, isn't it?"

His smile fades,"Nora I've got to tell you something, and you can't tell your parents."

I look up at him,"What's bothering you?"

"I overheard you mom talking to mine and they got your results back from the CAT scan."

I sit up,"And?"

His eyes are misty,"Your tumor has grown some more and it might be cancerous."

I look at the ocean,"I love you, Calvin."

He rubs my arm,"I love you too."

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