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Lately, my dreams of the past are getting to be extremely vivid.I wake up and I feel shaken, almost like I need to puke. I need to tell Calvin, but I don't want to.

One night though, I vomited it was so intense. What the hell was that!?

It was the winter if 10th grade. Life had droned by from Disney land; everything normal.

It was three weeks before winter break. Calvin looked very worried when he was around me.

I would wave in the halls or say a simple "hi" and I'd get no response, which is very unlike Calvin.

"Hey Calvin, could you come over after school?" I smiled.

Calvin gave me a flustered look,"Um uh sure why not."

I smile and wave,"Okay I'll see you then."

I get home and spruce up the house and my room a bit. I hear a knock knock at the door. Calvin just lets himself in.

I sit on the sofa,"Calvin, I need to talk to you."

His eyes widen,"Wh-what about?"

My smile fades,"What's been bothering you lately? What's wrong?"

He looks me in the eye,"What did we do over fall break?"

I look at him,"Hang out at home? I don't really remember. Nothing important, right?"

Calvin sinks into the floor, misty eyed,"Your tumor is growing. I heard your mother say so."

I look confused,"What tumor? I'm healthy."

Calvin looks back at me,"Did we do any thing over the summer together?"

I look at him with a strange look,"I don't know... did we play league?"

He rolls his eyes,"You don't remember anything any more."

I laugh,"You're my friend Calvin, what are you talking about?"

Calvin gives me a sharp look,"We're not just friends. Nora I- I love you and you don't even know it."

I look down, confused. I press my thump and fore fingers on my temples,"My head hurts. I have a bit of a headache."

Calvin takes my shoulders and kisses me,"It's okay Nora, I'm sorry." and he walks away.

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