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A few months pass by. I'm at home, but I can't move much; apparently being in a coma for four years is rough on the body.

My tumor has shrunk to the size of a grain of salt and has not grown, which is good news.

I remember almost 100% of my past and I can remember the present, too.

Calvin stays at my side almost every hour of the day. I tell him about what I saw in the coma and what happened.

Calvin smiles at me,"So you moved to Wisconsin and then went to college in Utah and found me?"

I sit up,"And I worked as an intern at apple."

Calvin's smile fades,"I missed you so much Nora. I would stay by your bed as much as I could, hoping that someday you'd wake up..."

I get misty eyed,"I love you Calvin."

The next few years pass by. Calvin takes me all around the world and we have a swell time.

When we were in Paris, Calvin had a surprise for me.

So we were at some fancy place with a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower. Calvin bends down on one knee and pops the question,"Will you marry me?"

The next few months pass and we're in Sweden. I flew mine and his family out for the wedding. It's a beautiful ceremony.

Six years pass and I am pregnant.

We live the rest of our loves happily.

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