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Chapter 2
Akihito reached the car parked outside, surprised to not see Suoh inside like usual. The driver turned around as Akihito got into the car and began to speak.

"Hello Takaba-sama. I am Satou. I will be taking you to the mall today since Suoh is required elsewhere. We will be meeting with the other guards as well."

"Oh..ok, thank you."

Akihito thought of asking more, but really didn't have much to say and so the rest of the ride went in silence. When they arrived at the mall, the door was opened for him and they were greeted by the other two guards.

The first to speak, Suzuki-san, bowed formally before introducing the other guard as Takahashi-san.

"It's nice to meet you." Akihito replied. Soon they were all headed in and Akihito was getting his shopping done. He'd come to the mall almost exclusively for a certain camera store. They were releasing new equipment today and he couldn't resist. A couple hours later left Akihito tired and ready to go home. He informed the guards he was ready to leave and they started making their way out of the mall. They were stopped, however, when they reached the main court before the doors. The guards around Akihito took defensive stances as shots rang out and the crowd around them erupted into a state of panic.

"Takaba-sama! Stay behind us!" screamed Satou-san from directly in front of the photographer. To his right Suzuki-san was already on the phone calling the main office, trying to inform Asami of what was going, and to his left Takahashi-san was scanning the crowd looking for the gunman.

Shots rang out everywhere, people were screaming, trying to take cover, and Akihito was trying, and failing, not to get wrapped up in the panic. Then, in an instant, Akihito's mind went blank as both Suzuki and Takahashi fell to the ground, a bullet through each of their brains. Akihito's eyes widened and he backed up reflexively before Satou turned abruptly to back Akihito away from the scene. Satou was on the phone in a heartbeat, dialing Asami and trying to shield the photographer at the same time.

"Takaba-san! Takaba-san! Don't panic! We'll be fine!" Satou was screaming again, trying to calm Akihito who hadn't even realized he was crying and breathing heavier. Akihito was just starting to calm down when another shot rang out and Satou fell, another bullet to the head...

Akihito screamed. Instincts taking over, he grabbed the phone from the downed man and ran as quickly as he could to wherever he thought he could be safe. He was panting heavily and sobbing when he brought the phone to his ear.

"Satou? Satou?!" It was Asami on the other end, calling loudly into the phone.

"A-Asami!" Akihito sobbed harshly into the receiver, "Oh god, they..they got shot and, oh god, Asami there's blood everywhere!" Akihito was full out panicking now. Everything around him was in chaos. Some people were managing to escape, others dropping to the floor to avoid bullets, and still the bodies were piling up.

"Akihito! Akihito, listen to me! Are you alright?! Where are the guards?! Whatever you do, stay down! Stay away from people! Do you hear me!? You need to hide!" Asami's voice came out panicked; of all the things the older man had planned for, this was not one of them.

Akihito continued to sob loudly as he crawled farther away from people.

"Oh god..Asami..Asami..the guards..their dead. They all got hit! What do I do?! Oh god..."

"Akihito! Are you alright? Were you hit?"

"I'm..I'm fine...but, Asami..Asami there's so much blood...there are so many people-" Akihito cut off suddenly as a group of four men surrounded him.

"What? Who..who are you?"

The men gave no reply as they grabbed Akihito's arms and tried to drag him away.

"Wait! No! No! ASAMI!" Akihito screamed at where the phone had fallen from his hand in the struggle. He kicked and punched furiously, trying everything to get away but one of the men came up behind him and put a cloth over his mouth. Akihito screams began to fade as his vision went black. The last thing he saw before he closed his eyes was one of the men picking up the cell phone.


On the other end of the phone Asami called wildly for his lover. He and his men were already in cars on their way to the mall, trying to get there before it was too late. Asami heard Akihito's piercing scream through the receiver and then as the phone hit the floor. He listened closely as Akihito continued to scream, sounding as if he was struggling with someone. This lasted several moments before Akihito went silent and Asami heard someone pick up the phone.


"Is this Asami Ryuuichi?" The unknown man questioned.

"Who is this?" Asami asked angrily.

"Asami-sama. I represent a certain man. A certain man who wishes to get even with you. You may have thought this mall shooting was a coincidence, but it wasn't. We will be taking Takaba Akihito now. You will find information regarding the situation on your desk when you return to your office. That is all."

The mysterious man hung up the phone before Asami had a chance to reply.

"Suoh! Get us there NOW!" Asami yelled furiously at his driver. Within minutes they arrived at the mall but it was too late. The men, and Akihito, were gone. All that remained were bloodstains and tears...

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