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Chapter 4
Akihito screamed as fiery pain ripped through his body. The man in front of him was skilled, far too skilled, at torture.

He gasped in breath as the knife was finally pulled away from the skin of his back. Once toned flesh now more closely resembling a checkerboard as blood flowed from the criss-crossing slices.

Akihito held back his whimpers of pain as the man came round front only to grab him by the chin and force his face up towards the camera.

"Smile darling, we wouldn't want Asami to miss out on the show now would we?"

Akihito's eyes widened considerably as for the first time he realized the man wasn't just recording the show, but instead was playing it directly for his lover.

Oh god..Asami, don't watch. Don't watch.

Akihito tried to speak but his voice was too hoarse from his screams and all that came out was a croak.

"Oh dear, have I worn you out already? I would've thought for sure that Asami would've taught you more endurance than this…hmm..just a little more today, don't you think Takaba-san? I think you can handle a little more."

With that, the man turned around and went to retrieve the next item from his table.

The man returned with a small torch that he quickly lit as he moved closer.

"No..no please! NO!"

Akihito cried out as the first flame licked his skin. His screams filled the room as burn after burn was added to his torso, tears streaming down his face proclaiming his agony.

After what felt like hours, blissful unconsciousness finally returned to him as he slumped forward in his chains and his head hung towards the ground.

The man turned off the torch and stepped away to admire his work.

Beautiful, he thought darkly.

Turning, he addressed the camera.

"You'd better hurry Asami-san. I really don't know how long you're precious Akihito-san will survive me."

With that, he turned again and returned the torch to the table. He began to leave the room before pausing at the door.

Perhaps a little cold to compensate for those nasty burns.

Smirking, he reached forward and turned down the temperature in the room.


8 hours, 17 minutes

Asami shut his eyes and brought his hands up to cup his face as he let out a shaky breath. His office was empty now, save for him, as he watched the feed continue on. Akihito had only fallen silent moments before and Asami had watched at the crazed man turned messed with a temperature gage on the wall before exiting the room.

It's winter outside…how long before the room becomes fatally cold? I need to get there faster.

Asami sighed again as a feeling of helplessness began to over-come him. It'd been so long since he'd felt this way; not since his first days of entering the mafia, and even then he'd at least had something to go on. Now all he had was that blasted feed and that was nothing more than a cryptic maze. His men still had no progress in their search and their time was running out. Asami knew that if he didn't find Akihito soon the other man would grow tired of the game and end it. Asami had, at most, 3 more days before saving Akihito would no longer be an option. After 3 days, the only he would be able to hope for was a body to bury and the name of the men he would get to kill.

Asami looked up suddenly as the doors to his office were thrown open. His hope was instantly shattered, however, as in walked none other than his father and younger brother.

"..Ryuuichi," the older Asami spoke first.

"Father. Brother. Why have you come?"

"We've heard about your lover," his younger brother spoke this time, "Have you gained any news yet?"

Asami swallowed thickly before schooling his features once more and turning his laptop around to show the other others the feed.

Asami's father growled lowly in his throat before whipping out his phone and pacing out the room, already speaking in an angered voice.

Asami was shocked slightly, having never before seen such strong emotions come from his father.

"He's angry. We all know how much this boy means to you and he will not have someone stomping around his family. I'll call in some of my own favors. You are not alone in this Ryuu."

"…..thank you, Haru."

With that Haru left the room to make phone calls of his own, and hopefully some progress in their search for the captive Akihito.

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