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Chapter 9
Asami sat quietly in the reception area of his section of the hospital. It had been 3 hours since their arrival and still he had received no word on Akihito.

Asami sighed uncharacteristically and brought his head into his hands. He was exhausted but he would stay awake until he had news.

His heart had stopped in the car as Akihito's eyes had closed. He'd screamed the boy's name to wake up but it was no use. They'd gotten to the hospital just minutes later and Akihito was immediately whisked away by the on-call staff that had been informed of their arrival. No one wanted to risk the yakuza's wrath.

And now, sitting in the pathetic excuse of a chair, Asami waited. His father sat to his left while his brother sat on the right. After Haru sat Suoh and further away, pacing while he was on his phone, was Kirishima, making sure that everything else was being situated. Flowers and money were finally being sent to the families of the men who had died protecting Akihito, while a brief notice of his injury was being given to his employer. Akihito would never forgive Asami is he got fired over this, or, worse, if his friends found out of his injury. Asami himself stood quietly and pulled out his phone, walking a short distance away for privacy.



There was a pause as neither spoke.

"Did you find him?"

"I did. A man is waiting for you in warehouse 48. Do what you want but leave him alive till I get there." With that said, Asami ended the call and returned to his seat.

"What was that?" Haru asked quietly.

"A gift to Feilong for his information. Kurosawa has been wanted by him for quite some time."

"I'll go meet with him to guarantee you have your chance."

Asami nodded.

Hm. Still thinks I don't know.

Asami pulled out his phone and opened a new text message to Feilong:

Keep him safe. -A

Approval? -F

Do you need it? -A

I would like to avoid a war, if possible. -F

Then you'd better keep him happy. -A

Asami closed his phone as footsteps began to approach.



"There is very severe trauma to his body. Like I said before, he suffered starvation, dehydration, hypothermia, multiple lacerations, and broken bones. There is infection in several of his wounds and one of his lungs was punctured by a broken rib. He also has severe bruising covering most of his body and tearing due to a brutal rape. His body went into shock on the car ride here and we have been forced to put him into an induced coma. He will need to be under careful observation for the next 3 days to ensure nothing else happens and after he will need to remain here for at least another two weeks before we can even begin to consider his moving location. However, all that being said, he is very, very lucky and he should eventually make a full physical recovery. There will be scarring, mind you, but we will attempt to minimize that. Would you like to see him?"

"Yes," Asami responded, voice slightly chocked. He would never admit the amount of pain it caused him to hear the list of Akihito's injuries.

The doctor nodded once before turning and leading Asami and the others down a corridor and into Akihito's private room.

Asami's mask slipped momentarily as he saw Akihito hooked up to a dozen or so machines, beeping noisily to announce that his heart was still beating.

Asami came forward and gently reached out to brush his fingers across the back of Akihito's hand. Part of him hoped that his lover would stir at the attention, but part of him also knew the boy wouldn't. Taking a seat next to his lover, he grasped the hand in front of him more firmly before bringing it to his lips and placing a small kiss on its smooth surface.

I promise you this will never happen again.

Asami's father cleared out the rest of the room's occupants before patting Ryuuichi on the shoulder and leaving himself. Kirishima and Suoh stationed themselves outside the door, guarding to guarantee their boss his safety.

Asami sat, lost in thought, for hours this way. He was both exhausted and yet unable to look away from the man he had spent the last day doing nothing but searching for. His mind demanded constant reassurance that Akihito was still in front of him, that he had made it there in time, that Akihito was safe…

A quiet knock on the door drew Asami from his thoughts.


"Asami-sama," Kirishima began, "if I may? Takaba-sama will be unconscious for some time. Please allow me the honor of staying here with him while you and Suoh-san finish the business at the warehouse. I do not think that even Feilong will be able to keep Kurosawa alive for much longer."

Asami sat conflicted for several moments before deciding it was the best course of action.

"Tell Suoh to bring the car around," he ordered. "And Kirishima? He doesn't leave your sight for a second."

"Yes, Asami-sama."

Kirishima left again to deliver the orders while Asami gave on last parting glance at Akihito. He squeezed his hand once for reassurance before standing and leaving as well.


Asami's jaw clenched as his car pulled up outside of the warehouse. His tiredness disappeared at the thought of finally ending the life of the key player of Matsumoto's pathetic game.

Walking inside, his eyebrow arched at the sight before him.

I suppose I DID tell him he could do what he wanted…

Before Asami lay a mass of what used to Kurosawa. In place of the well-built polished man now lay a weeping, quivering mess of blood, burnt flesh, and missing limbs. In a pile across the room could be seen several teeth, fingers, and toes. His clothes were gone and his body was littered in bruises and long, deep gashes. His breathing was ragged, his eyes swollen shut, and, at the moment, he was seizing on the floor due to electrical shock.

Asami looked over to Haru standing next to Feilong on the side. One of Feilong's henchmen was currently administering the torture but there was no doubt in Asami's mind that both Feilong and Haru had been a part of what was in front of him.

In a moment the electricity was turned off and Kurosawa lay sobbing on the floor, gasping for breath as he begged for it to end. Asami chose that moment to step forward.


"A-Asa-Asami-sama.." Kurosawa coughed out, spewing blood in the process.

Asami looked with disgust down at the man who had dared to touch what was his.

"Akihito asked you once for mercy. In fact, he even offered you my protection, and you said you didn't need it. Do you still feel the same?"

With a malicious grin Asami waved the henchman to restart the electricity. Kurosawa screamed as the jolts cooked his body and wracked him with intense pain.

Waving for him to stop, Asami spoke again.

"I really hate people who touch what is mine. Do you understand that now? Do you, Kurosawa?"

"Y-yes…gods y-yes, A-Asami-sama!"

"Good. Remember that in the next life."

Asami pulled his gun from it's holster and shot Kurosawa twice in the head.

All was silent.

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