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Chapter 7
18 hours, 41 minutes

Akihito breathed raggedly as he woke again. The taste of coppery blood was still in his mouth and the stench of it filled the room. In front of him, he watched as his breath fogged. His fingers had the beginning pin-pricks of frost-bite and for the first time he began to fear that hypothermia would be the one to kill him.

Fuck, he shivered violently, Fuck, fuck, FUCK. Asami, you'd better get your ass here soon…please…

A tear slipped down the young man's face as the reality of the situation hit hard. Here he was, god knows where, chained to the ceiling and bleeding everywhere. On top of that, he was dizzy, dehydrated, hungry, and now he was slowly starting to freeze to death.


Quick footsteps alerted Akihito that someone was coming to his room in a rush. The door opened to reveal his torturer.

At least it's not that fucker who raped me..Akihito thought bitterly.

"Takaba! So lovely to see you awake. Oh, it's a little chilly in here isn't it? So sorry about that," he grinned sarcastically.

"W-what," Akihito started as shivers racked his body, "what do y-you w-want now?"

The man's grin grew wider as he took in Akihito's quickly purpling finger-tips and shaking body.

"Well, my dear, it seems your Asami isn't as incompetent as my boss had suggested. In fact, he's already killed my boss."

Akihito's eyes widened slightly, hope creeping into his mind.

"However," Kurosawa continued, "I do hate to leave a job half-done.."

With that, Kurosawa stepped forward and quickly punched Akihito hard in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him.

Akihito gasped as he tried to retrieve his breath only to have it stolen again as Kurosawa continued to rain punches down on his body. Akihito felt his ribs crack, and possibly break, while the chains held him in place for the beating. The manacles began to dig harder into the boy's wrists till soon blood began to flow down his arms slowly.

Kurosawa paused in his beating to look upon his handy work. Before him Akihito struggled for breath painfully. His arms, back, and lip all seeped blood while the burns on his chest and sides looked angry and infected. The boy before him shivered still, his body ice to the touch from the ridiculously low temperature of the room. Finally, there was Akihito's black eye, a reminder of his time with his rapist.

Kurosawa grinned once more at what he saw before leaving the room, satisfied. Now he would just need to remove all traces of himself from the building before taking off into seclusion. It would only be a few hours before Takaba was beyond saving and he wasn't going to stick around for Asami to find the body.


Back at the warehouse

"…Haru. Stop."

Haru stopped his assault on Matsumoto and instead turned his attention to his older brother.

"Matsumoto…tell me, how is Suzu this time of year?"

Matsumoto paled.

"I…I don't know w-what you mean.." the older man stalled.

Asami grinned.

Got you.

"Really? I would've thought you knew, after all, you visit your daughter there quite frequently."

"I don't have a daughter." Matsumoto insisted.

"Oh, but you do. She has such a pretty smile too, just like her mother. It's such a shame I'll have to take it away. They really don't smile much when you sell them to the highest bidder…"

"You wouldn't! The Asami family has never been a part of the trafficking trade!"

Asami's expression darkened considerably before he replied.

"There's always an exception."

"NO!" Matsumoto screamed, trying in vain to free himself from the restraints.

"Then tell me Takaba is. You can save her right now, just tell me."

Matsumoto debated silently…

"I'll…I'll tell you where he is.."

Matsumoto gave the directions for how to get to the location to Kirishima before turning once more to Asami.

"Now release me. You have what you want!"

Asami smiled.

"I don't think so."

"You bastard! That was our deal! Let me go!"

"I promised not to sell your daughter, Matsumoto. But you, you will never be forgiven."

Matsumoto screamed and struggled and Asami pulled his gun from its holder and shot him directly between the eyes.

Silence filled the room for several moments before Asami spoke again.

"Kirishima, get someone to clean this. Suoh, the car."

"Yes, Asami-sama," they replied simultaneously before immediately going to their tasks.

"Haru, call the family physicians and have them meet us at the warehouse. If they want to live, they'll arrive when we do."

"Ryuuichi," Asami's father began, and then stopped unsure of how to finish. He had never been the comforting type with his children. That job had always fallen to his wife. Luckily, Asami knew anyways.

"Thank you, Father."

Asami's father nodded once before all three men left the warehouse and got into Asami's car, already speeding off to finally retrieve Akihito.

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