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Chapter 5
A/N: Again, I gain no profit from this except the joy it brings you. Also, I apologize for any spelling/grammar errors that have been found. I'm trying to write this quickly while I am still inspired and am doing it unbeta'd. I will return to fix mistakes later when everything is written. Thanks and enjoy!

9 hours, 58 minutes

Akihito groaned softly as he slowly came back to consciousness. Opening his eyes, he noticed that he was alone once again. He tugged at the chains restricting his arms unsuccessfully before tiring out and hanging loosely once again.

I'm weak from the blood-loss…I'll have to be careful and save my energy for when I really need it.

Another 10 minutes passed with Akihito simply observing his surroundings before he began to hear footsteps approaching his room once more. The door opened slowly before the stranger from before entered.

"Ah! Takaba-san! So nice to see you awake finally. I was hoping you wouldn't be out for long."

"Let me go, you fucker," Akihito demanded firmly. "I don't have any information for you!"

"Oh, I'm sorry but you see, I just can't do that. If I let you go then it's my life on the line, and I must say, I'm much more concerned about that than yours."

As he spoke the stranger once again approached his tools on the metal table.

"Please," Akihito began, switching tactics, "You don't have to do this. Asami can protect you."

"I don't need his protection."

The stranger turned then, a whip in his hand, and the torture began again.

Akihito bit his tongue as the whip came down on his still-raw back. He would not scream, not now that he knew Asami was watching. He would not be that weak. But gods did it hurt…

The whip came down again and again, adding to the criss-cross pattern of the knife and drawing more and more blood from Akihito's body. After 30 minutes, the stranger finally tired and drew back to examine his work.

"You're much quieter today, Takaba. Is it because your lover is watching? Are you trying to impress him? Well, either way, that just means I'll have to try harder, doesn't it?"

The stranger returned to the table to withdraw his next item of torture: a branding iron. The iron itself was a simple metal design with an insulated handle. The end, however, the part that would permanently burn itself into Akihito's flesh, was shaped as an exact copy of Asami's gang symbol. Akihito paled as he watched the man come closer with the iron in hand.

"Lovely, isn't it? I thought his symbol would be appropriate since you are his little whore. Make sure your facing the camera, love. Wouldn't want him to miss out on that pretty little face of yours now would we?"

Akihito tried to pull away but it was no use. The chains held him in place as the white-hot iron was pressed firmly into is side on top of his ribs. He screamed out desperately as it burnt his flesh and the stench of it filled the room. When it was finally removed, he collapsed in his chains, shaking and gasping for breath.

Akihito was just about to pass out from the pain when the man returned with a needle that he quickly injected into Akihito's arm.

"What.." he gasped, "What was that?"

His torturer smiled evilly before responding.

"Drugs, of course. Can't have you falling asleep on me again. What's the fun in that? Besides, one of my…associates will be in shortly to have a little fun with you. Try not to enjoy it too much."

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