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Chapter 6
13 hours, 3 minutes

Asami's sharp gazed turned to his employee.

"Who?" he demanded. "Where is he?"

"Matsumoto-san of the lower clans, sir. He is currently in our warehouse on the east side. He was delivered 5 minutes ago by Feilong-sama."

Asami's mask remained in place, however, inside he was calculating. There had to be a reason for Feilong to assist him like this.

Asami ordered for his car to be brought along and had just dismissed his men when his phone began to ring.

Speak of the devil..


"Asami. I trust you've received my gift."

"…I have. Now, why did you send it?"

"You forget Takaba spent time with me. I grew fond of him. If anyone gets to kidnap the boy it's me, not that swine Matsumoto. Besides, I'm sure you'll return the favor eventually. Enjoy yourself, Asami."

Feilong hung up the phone then and left Asami to wonder at the unexpected kindness. Such things never happened in their world without a price, yet it seemed Feilong would hold off on collecting.

At least for now.

Suoh came into the room once more and informed Asami that his car had arrived and so he grabbed his gun and left the room. Both Asami's brother and father followed behind him. They would be a part of this as well.

Arriving at the warehouse took moments and once there the men quickly walked inside to confront the man who had harmed what belonged to Asami.

Matsumoto was not an attractive man. Sitting in a chair with his arms and legs secured, he was a sweaty mess. His hair stuck to his forehead, accentuating his bald spot, and sweat marks could be seen across his large chest and gut.

"Matsumoto," Asami began, his voice full of dark promise, "you have very little time left to explain why you kidnapped my lover and where he is. Do so quickly, and I may let you live."

"Ha!" Matsumoto yelled, "And why should I tell you?! You killed my lover! Let your slut die!"

Asami growled lowly in his throat and was about to step forward to hit the man when his brother stepped forward and held him back.

"Let me, Ryuuichi," Haru requested.

Asami nodded his head before stepping back next to his father.

Haru stepped forward and began circled the bound man.

"Do you remember why you were punished the first time Matsumoto?"

Matsumoto stayed silent and stared ahead, refusing to acknowledge the younger man.

Haru smirked.

"Well, I remember. I remember how you cheated us out of money. I remember how you tried to take over our territory. And I remember how Ryuuichi was kind enough to spare your life. You're little…whore, and there's no question that she wasn't, wanted nothing but power and would've slept with whoever it took to get it. She was greedy and worthless. Ryuuichi did you a favor by killing her off."

"Lies!" Matsumoto screamed, attempting to free himself from the bindings. "She loved me and I loved her! He was just jealous because I was rising faster through the ranks than he had…soon I would've taken over his entire territory and then he would've been the dog, dead in the street for everyone to mock!"

Haru slapped Matsumoto hard across the face.

"Pathetic. You're delusional if you think you could've ever taken down Ryuuichi, old man. Now, you will pay for your crimes. Tell us where Takaba-san is or you will die here and now."

"Fuck you! Even if I die today, Kurosawa will not stop. You'll never find your lover alive, Asami!"

Matsumoto spit defiantly at Asami's feet.

"Haru….take care of this scum."

Asami watched silently, a dark look on his face, as his younger brother began the process of torturing Matsumoto to death.

Bones broke and skin was peeled from flesh, all the while Asami stared. He would keep every moment of this stored in his memory. This would be the first piece of revenge against the crimes committed on his lover and he would savor it.

Every so often Matsumoto would pass out from the pain, but Haru was careful to bring him back to consciousness whether through drugs, suffocation, and electricity.

Hours passed in this manner and still Matsumoto would say nothing. Finally, Kirishima stepped forward to whisper in his boss's ear.

"Asami-sama. I've received word that before her death, Matsumoto's lover gave birth to a child. We have located the child and confirmed that she is indeed Matsumoto's."

"…Haru. Stop."

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