Chapter 10

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When they get back to the hotel, Liam goes and showers. He's still sweaty and gross, and it needs to be done. He riffles through Zayn's bag of clothes and gives up, searching through his own that Zayn had left behind to find a pair of sweats and a clean t-shirt before he heads into the bathroom.

Just like he had earlier, Liam avoids looking in the mirror as he gets undressed, and then at the last second he looks. It's too tempting not to, the expanse of skin he can see in the mirror out the corner of his eyes. Liam's trying not to be a creep, he really is, but Zayn's so enticing. The curve of his skinny thighs; the tattoos everywhere. Liam lets his gaze drop lower than Zayn's face, over the tattoos on his chest. He lifts a hand, outlines the lips, wonders what it'd feel like to press his own flush against them.

His gaze goes a little lower. Zayn's always been thinner than him. He used to have a little belly, though, sticking out just a bit, but now that's gone. His stomach is all flat and smooth skin, marred on his hips by the dark ink. And he's got these perfect indents there, ones that Liam can't help but fit his fingers into, just because.

Lower, and Liam swallows, looking away. Only he doesn't look away fast enough. His eyes fall lower than Zayn's cock and the thick, dark hair at the base of it. He studiously avoids looking in that area as much as he can, instead focusing on what caught his attention. It was only when he moved, left leg in front of his right, that he'd seen it, and now he looks down, bending Zayn's leg so it rests on the edge of the tub so he can get a better look.

On the inside of Zayn's left thigh, high up, is a small, barely noticeable tattoo.

The first thing that goes through Liam's mind is that it must be, like, dirt or something. He licks his thumb and smudges at it, but it doesn't budge. The second thing Liam thinks is that there's no way Zayn actually got a tattoo there. It's so — it's in a really intimate spot, and he can't imagine someone touching Zayn there (he can, and it irritates him). It is a tattoo, though. Small, blocky, navy blue: L. It's an 'L'. There's no mistaking it.

Liam lets Zayn's leg drop, tearing his eyes away with reluctance as he climbs into the shower. What does it mean? An 'L'. L for what? They've all gotten a handful of seemingly random tattoos, but you don't go through the effort of getting a tattoo on the inside of your thigh, somewhere no one would ever see it, without it having some personal meaning. So what is it?

But Liam can't even ask him, is the thing. How would he bring it up? "So, Zayn, while I was checking you out in the mirror because I'm a creepy pervert who's in love with you, I noticed that you had this tattoo, and I was wondering what it meant?" Because that would definitely not be awkward.

Liam groans at himself and reaches for the soap. There's not much to think about, though, aside from the tattoo and the fact that he's currently soaping up Zayn's body. That, and Zayn's reflection in the mirror from earlier flipping through his mind, is enough to get Liam a little heated, and he can feel himself getting harder as the minutes tick by, standing under the hot stream of water. It's not like he can do anything about it, though, can he?

Liam adds that to the sealed box of things he's not going to think about. Despite that, when he gets out of the shower his problem is still a problem. Liam bites his lip, seriously considers doing something about it, but instead he avoids looking in the mirror and pulls on his sweatpants, ignoring the way the semi he's sporting tents the crotch a bit.

And since Liam's life isn't enough of a joke as it is, Zayn is on the bed when Liam comes out. He grins, sitting up, and lets out a chuckled, "Took you long enough. What were you doing in there, jerking off?

As soon as he's said it, they both freeze. Zayn goes red, while Liam's eyes widen. He has no doubt that Zayn's probably thinking about the fact that Liam could have been, and Liam's definitely thinking about the fact that he'd been considering it. That, and they're both probably painfully aware that if he had been jerking off, he'd technically jerking Zayn off and—

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