Voting Time!

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Hi there everyone! I decided because this story is so popular, and because my friends would like to know what you think, to do a poll! (voting kind of thing) So I am going to describe my friends from the story and you are going to tell me who you like the best? K?

So first we have Quinn, who is awesomely funny in real life. She looks the same as I describe her in the story, but her personality leaves a lot of holes in the story. She has a tendency to scream 'peanut butter!' at random moments, likes owls, horses and the color blue. If you say that you think she was dead because she disappeared for long periods of time she yells 'oh my god, I'm not dead!'. She is really sweat and never loses her temper. We love her craziness and she adds the weird aspect that we need in our group to survive! 

In the story we don't see too much of Quinn, as sad as it is, because I love having her act out. But she is always in my mind when I do the scenes she is in such as the art scene at the beginning. She is really artistic and super carefree no matter what is happening. As long as the group is with her she seems to be laughing and in a good mood.

Second we have Sam One, also known as Samina in our group. She is really nice and super stubborn at times. She loves reading and she is sooooooo smart. So smart that she is in advanced placement at our school. She loves horror movies and thrillers and her parents are strangely okay with us showing up at her house at odd hours and staying late into the night. Without her our group would have gotten into some crazy situations!

In the story Sam One doesn't show off how smart she is as much as I would have liked her to be. And she is really quiet from time to time, but truthfully it is because no one else lets her talk. Lol. If I could I would have had her being right up front telling Kat not to do things and having perfectly justifiable reasons for not doing these things. But I don't have her brilliant mind so I couldn't think of those reasons.

Lastly we have Sam Two, also known as Samantha, or just Sam to us. She loves to read, she loves to shop and she is kinda known as our leader (sorta). She comes up with all our plans and always loves holding girls days so that we can ditch the guys in the group. She is a tiny bit moody sometimes, but I love her with all my heart. She is really straight forward about her views and very emotional about what she believes in.

In the story she is as much of the leader of the group as I would have wanted her to be. In the later story, she gets to be a little grouchy, but that is only because it is something she believes strongly in, and she wants Kat to be safe more than anything else. 


So those are my amazing friends. I wanted you all to know who they were so that you could know that I was basing my characters after my real group of friends and see how amazing they are. And as a bonus (if you see it that way) I will even give you a little information about myself.


My real name is Kaitlyn, and I was, at first, the base character for Kat. Unfortunately I changed that as the story went on because, as much as I love Kye, I love my actual boyfriend more (who incidentally is Sam One's twin brother) I started dating him half way through writing this book otherwise I would have made him a character to.

I love writing, but on the side from this I am actually working on becoming a full author, despite the fact that I am still a teenager. I work at TimHortons, as I live in Canada, eh, and when I am not writing I am either hanging out with the gang, or playing Dungeons and Dragons in Sam One's basement. (I am a full elf sorcerer)

I have two cats, CC and Misty, and a stupid younger brother who I call Dorkzilla! I live in the country in a small town with my mom and dad and spend most of my time in my room cuddled in bed with my stuffed bat midnight. Halloween is my favorite holiday, and my mom loves going all out with decorations. 

OCD is a problem I deal with on a daily basis, mostly when it comes to my writing. My room is really messy, and I love reading. So much so that for a time I was reading a book a day. Too bad money started becoming a problem considering I had to save up for school, so I cut down to a book a week. Torture.

To this day my all time favorite book is The Forbidden Game trilogy (all one book as I bought the 3 in 1 package) by L. J. Smith. She was the reason I started writing, and I hope that in the future I can become as good as her.

I just want to say thank you to all of you who have supported me up until now, reading my stories, liking, commenting, giving me encouragement. You are the people who make me want to continue to write. 

So you read a little about my friends and a little about me. Now it is time to vote! Comment at the bottom who you like the best (excluding me/ please keep it just to my friends lol) and I will pass it along to them who is winning.

Thanks again everyone! Have a nice day eh?!

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