Powerless and a Kiss

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Okay maybe nothing bad happened, not yet I think, well I hope. Max is kinda starring at me very eerie like, kinda scarring me. I looked around and didn't see much,  everything looked the same trees,bushes and a cliff that was behind Max... he's not going to tell me to push him is he? Oh my. Okay. I'm really scared I want to go back to the group... "So why are we here?" I asked he never replied he just looked at me and then then next thing I knew I was over the edge of the cliff, starring up at Max... he pushed me?! I'm so confused...one minute my feet were plated on the ground next minute I'm holding on for my life "HELP" I screamed, I'm not sure if anyone will here me, we walked for a while "HELP, SOMEONE HELP!" Max stepped on my hand I screamed in pain. "Shut it I'll be caught if you don't and if you keep screaming you'll fall. Got it?"  I nodded. By now some would've heard me, someone should've heard me. Max knelt down and grabbed my chin...the only thing I can think about is him kissing me...ew...why "sucks that suck a cute little girl like you has to die" he said very eerily. Okay my day can't get any more creepy. He moves his hands to the back of my neck and unhooks my necklace. I knew they were planning to take it. "Too bad your boyfriend isn't here to save you" he said very obnoxiously "he's not my boyfriend" I mumbled "aw but he likes you and you like him" okay he's definitely getting more creepy by the second. He took my necklace from around my neck and then stood up. "The only way you're getting this back is if someone takes it from me and without your necklace you don't have any powers therefore you can't help, you don't even look like a bear anymore" Huh? I don't look like a bear? He pulls out a mirror and points it towards me "see just a boring old human" sadly I couldn't even recognize myself anymore, I got so used to seeing myself with bear ears and a tail but now, now the only thing I see is a 13 year old human girl looking back at me. Then I think to myself is this where I'm going to die? Max sat down leaning up against a tree trunk looked at me and laughed. "not as cute as the May with bear ears now, but still cute" he said. "why would anyone like a creep like-" "May?!" someone's come to help?! Emerald, Rick and Jake came to help me. I'm crying because I'm so happy! I'm going to live! Before they were able to land Max came over to me and stood on one of my hands "Ow ow ow ow" It really hurts. "Let her go!" Jake yelled "only if you can stop me. Just remember one thing, push me over shes coming with me" Max said crushing every single bone in my hand.  Emerald, Rick and Jake looked over at me..."May? Is that you?" Emerald asked. I nodded considering every time I would try and speak Max would put more pressure on my hand. I would try to scream but he would put more pressure on it. While I'm here being broken Emerald, Rick and Jake were talking. "Time's running out for you friend here" Max said putting his other foot closer to my other hand. He turned around, looked at me, and knelt down "wouldn't it make Jake jealous if your first kiss is with me and not him" he grabbed my face and was slowly pulling it closer to his. "You should know that I don't like people in my bubble" I said, I took my feet and put them up against the side of the cliff and pushed myself off. My hand ripped out from underneath him causing him to fell backwards Emerald flew down to catch me. "May!" She said grabbing me "are you nuts?!" "Just a bit" we flew back up and I saw Rick and Jake fighting Max, "guys my necklace, I need it to change back" Emerald flew over to a tree and put me on a branch, then joined the fight. When she returned back to the guys Max stopped fight and looked at me "oh no, we are your opponents" Rick said tackling Max. Max took my necklace and threw it towards Jake's feet. "Here love bird, take it just so you know..." Max suddenly appeared beside me and put his arm around me "half breeds like you aren't the only ones with magic" he ended his sentence looked at me then the others and then disappeared... Emerald flew up to get me, I've had enough with that guy today. Hopefully I don't see him again. At this point I couldn't feel my hand anymore. We went back down onto the ground. I turned to hug her then proceeded to hug Rick and Jake. "We need to go. Like now!" Rick said, Jake climbed onto Rick's back and I went onto Emerald's "if you take me to a human village I can get help there and also bring supplies to where ever we decide to go after that, considering I still look human I can go to one and not get killed." I said, they all stared at me like I'm a monster..well I guess to them I am the monster. "Okay well don't get yourself into any trouble this time" Rick complained "hey at least I could track her scent" Jake replied. We stopped in front of a human village I got off of Emerald "okay I'm going get help and then supplies. Can you all find a place to camp out?" "Yeah, sure, we'll figure something out" Emerald said. Rick and Emerald walked away and Jake stood I front of me "hey are you-" he walked up to me and grabbed me by the waist pulled me closer to himself and kissed me "don't ever scare me like that again. You had us all worried" he said quietly and hugging me tightly. "I won't. I'm sorry." I took my arms and rapped them around his neck and I began to cry. I was so scarred what if they couldn't have been there to save me. I would still be there hanging from a cliff. After we stopped hugging I went into the village and got help. The villagers asked if I was okay and that I looked really battered and I told them that I had fell and crushed my hand. They immediately took me to the village nurse and got me look at. Turns out my had was broken and 5 different places and fractured in many other places. The nurse bandaged up my hand and told me I was fine that I was okay to go. The villager that helped me gave me food and water to come with me on my travels. I returned back to the group where Emerald, Rick and Jake were sitting. They told me they found a good place for a camp so we walked to the spot and started to set up. Jake had my necklace so he came over "I don't know who's cuter, human May or bear May" he said putting the necklace back on me. I changed back into my beary self. I looked at Jake and smiled, now then I knew I was blushing... We were all sitting by a fire Emerald made. "I wonder what we should do now" Emerald said, Rick looked at me "well for you, its resting" he said chuckling. We all started to laugh. I'm so glad I have such good friends who look out for me and who I can count on. I guess without the necklace my powers are sealed away.

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