Ch - 10 The Truth

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"Umm... just thought you would like to know, we have a month of summer vacations, not the whole year."

The class laughed and snickered as Mrs Bran smiled at Percy.

"I could make it for two years, dear."

Percy sat down with a sigh while Char just shook her head and tried to suppress her smile.

If it had been any other teacher, Percy would have got double detention but fortunately for him, Mrs Bran was pretty easy going.

"This isn't fair", Percy whinnied, as the three of them walked down the hall at the end of the day.

Char laughed.
"I know", she said.

" Teachers think that we get vacations to study."

"I swear I haven't got this much holiday homework in my whole life!" Percy complained.

"Relax Perce", Nico said.
"We'll figure a way out."

Char and Percy had just collected Nico from detention, after their last swimming classes before the vacations. Apparently some bullies had tried to make fun Nico. Needless to say, they weren't very lucky but Nico had also received an hour long detention. By now the school was almost empty.

" Besides, you probably wouldn't be doing any of it", Nico added.

"Why?" Char asked, surprised.

"Uh..." Percy mumbled.

How could he tell Char that Annabeth had finally finished redesigning Mount Olympus and now they could go to college so he wouldn't be coming back.

"I'm not coming back after the summer holidays", Percy muttered.

" What!" Char cried.

"I have to visit my dad, I mean my dad from whom mom got divorced for umm a long time so he will be sending me to a school there", Percy finished lamely.

"Oh", Char said, unable to hide the disappointment on her face.

"What about you, Nico?"

Nico merely shrugged.

"I guess I'll stay."

"I guess!" Char said shrilly.

"You guys are ditching me!"

Percy mentally sighed. He hadn't been looking forward to this conversation. While Char was an amazing person and their best friend, she couldn't come to Camp-Half Blood and would be left alone in highschool.

"I'll miss you", Percy said, honestly failing to think of anything to comfort her.

Char just managed a weak smile and suddenly stopped in her tracks.

"Damn! I forgot to return my book to the librarian", she cursed.

"You two, wait here. I'll be back in a jiffy."

With that she raced towards the other end of the corridor, leaving Nico and Percy behind.

"That didn't go too well", Nico said.

"I know", Percy squirmed.

"I wish she could come to camp with us."


And then there was an awkward silence as the two waited for Char, thinking of something to console her.

"Hello there", a voice rang out.

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