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Annabeth was leading the offense team. They had to win. Especially this time.

They didn't have Percy on their team as the Hermes cabin had promised a month free of pranks to every cabin on their team, and Percy had agreed.

'Concentrate', Annabeth told herself, as she slipped through the crowds, invisible, thanks to her cap.

She finally found the flag. It was beside the creek. Annabeth smiled to herself. Seaweed Brain. She should have known.

She could hear Percy whispering to someone.

"I still think you should have gone for offense."


"Trust me", Percy said.

"She'll be invisible and I know how to catch her."

Annabeth smirked. Overconfidence.

She pressed the gadget Leo had made. She hoped it worked. Sure enough, a few seconds later, she saw Jason in the air, along with Leo.

Annabeth smiled and pointed towards the flag.

Distract she mouthed.

Jason grinned and Leo lit up. Literally.

And then Jason landed down with a roll, keeping Leo in the sky.

"Hey Sparky", Percy grinned.
"We spar again", Jason laughed and the two of them launched into a duel.

Nico was just considering whether to get involved or not, when fire balls burst upon him.

"Leo", Nico said, gritting his teeth, as he summoned some skeletons.

"Shoot!" he ordered, and the skeletons BC started throwing their bones at a flailing Leo who tried dodging them and launching fire at the same time.

Perfect, Annabeth thought, creeping towards the flag. Victory would be theirs.

But Annabeth had barely removed the flag when she was hit by a beam of light. She let out a groan, covering her eyes. She should have known. The three of them had become pretty much inseparable.

"Going somewhere?" Char smirked, emerging from behind the bushes.

"Char", Annabeth acknowledged her, as she got up, blinking her eyes rapidly, to adjust her eyesight.

"Nearly blinded me", Annabeth grunted.

"Looks like the odds are not in your favour today", Char grinned.

"But you can't stop me", Annabeth said, confidentially.

"I don't have to", Char said.
"I just need to delay you."

And then there was a crazy duel, Annabeth battling with her dagger and Char slashing wildly with her luminous dagger and beams of light.

But Annabeth was definitely quicker, dodging and attacking with the speed of light. In the end, she had Char pinned up to a tree.
"Got you!" she cried, triumphantly.

A horn was heard and Annabeth let out a groan.

Char raised her hands and chuckled.
"I believe we won."

Amnabeth held out a hand and punched her lightly as she stood up.

"Well played."

Percy and Jason came out from behind.

"I won", Percy grinned, his hair even more messed up than usual.

"Me too", Nico said, joining them, with Leo being dragged behind by skeletons.

"You had help!", Leo protested.
"Besides, they don't burn!" he cried, setting himself on fire to prove his point.

Char giggled.

This was so much fun.
More than fun, it was her life.

She had easily settled down at Camp-Half Blood, what with great friends like Nico and Percy!

She smiled as she watched Annabeth threaten to dump Percy if he ever joined the other team next time, and Jason entangle Leo from a mass of bones while Nico chuckled at the sight.

This was her wonderful and adventurous life. She hadn't chosen it, but she was glad it had chosen her.

And this is the final end, the cherry on top, to this story! And now its edited!

If I start writing out my thanks to all those people who voted, commented and supported me, we'll be here all day!

So to all my lovely readers, thank you ever so much for reading this book! It means a lot to me! If you are free please check out my other books! And I'm always there if you want to talk to me :)

Till then, bye!

Read In Peace.

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