The Vamps!?

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we walked to the small limo, the guy put our stuff in the trunk, we got in the back, and we went to the hotel(well I'm assuming). the drive there was a bore so I just put my headphones in and laid my head against the window looking at the city before me. time flew by because we were in the parking lot and I was helping the guy get our stuff out.

"the manager is in the lobby so walk in and he will come to you"he smiled at me and left. I wish I knew who the band was going to be. Tyrone walked into the lobby with us behind him and I tired to not look stupid. a pretty tall-ish guy walked up to us, smiled, and told us his name. his name and his appearance sounded/looked familiar. he had his hair parted and curled like Brads(sort of)and his name was Joe. I just shrugged the thought off, he handed me two room keys, and we walked to the elevators. he kept asking questions about us to get to know us better.

eventually, we get to the floor, we walked down a couple doors, and stopped in front of two rooms. apparently, I won't be sharing with anyone since I'm a girl which is understandable. I opened the door, walked in, put my stuff at the foot of the bed, and flopped on the bed. no one understands how exhausted I am and how much sleep sounds so fantastic. Joe had told me before I got in the room that we were leaving right after so I went in the bathroom, touched up my makeup a little, and waited for the knock.

boredom striked me so I pulled out my phone and looked at my social media. mainly Instagram because I'm most active on there. soon I heard a knock, got up, grabbed my shoulder bag, and grabbed my keys before walking to the elevators with Joe and them. I didn't really want to see who they were, but I'm sure I'll figure out soon. we get in the elevators, I didn't want anyone looking at me so I stuck in the back, but Joe had to introduce me to them.

"Taylor, Ty, and Tyrone, this is The Vamps; James, Tristan, Connor, and Brad. The Tide; Austin, Drew, Levi, and Nate. New hope Club; Blake, George, and Reece. that is Dean, a good camera man"I giggled right there. he told me a couple other people's names, but I forgot. "boys this is Taylor, Ty, and Tyrone Yules. did I say your last name right?" he asked looking at me a little worried. I nodded my head and smiled. I heard a couple hi or hellos, but didn't mind. I'll talk to them later. wait, did he say The Vamps?! I looked back around at the faces and sure enough it was. some curly haired boy had caught me looking at him, I looked down, and hoped to God that he doesn't joke about this later or something.

the car ride to the interview was a bore so I just listened to music and laid my head against the window. I felt like sleep was calling my name, but I knew I couldn't fall asleep in a car when it wasn't that far. Brad must of noticed me closing my eyes and shooting them back open because next thing I know, he's taking his hoodie off and lifting my head up so my head won't be against something hard. I honestly have no clue why I liked this small gesture.

we walked into the building where the boys were having their interview, I had put Brads hoodie on(he seemed to not care), and put my earbuds in so I can listen to music. maybe I can get a small nap in. we get to the room, we get where we're supposed to be, I ended up laying on the floor, and actually falling asleep. Joe didn't care and I think he noticed how much I needed a nap.

faster. I gotta run faster. away from them. I can't escape them. they're just so fast. I ran around buildings, parks, anywhere to get further away from them. they were chasing me for their mission. I was scared and wanted to take a break, but knew they would catch up. I eventually found an abandoned building and stopped running. maybe I can rest for a little bit. I sat down by a broken down vending machine and counted my breathes. I was too focused on my counting that I forgot that I was running away from them. they found me and we're kicking and punching me.

"Taylor"Joe said shaking me. I woke up and looked around. the interviewer left and the boys were looking at me with worried faces. "are you okay?"I hadn't even noticed that I was shaking violently. I just nodded my head, they all helped me into the car, and into my hotel room.

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