Last night my date with Austin went perfect. I couldn't have asked for a better one.

Anyways back to the date. First he took me to AT&T to get me a phone. Of course I protested cause I mean honestly he's already don't so much for me. But he bought it anyway. He got me a iPhone 6s. I was so thankful.

Then we headed over to the park for a picnic. It was so cute the way everything was set up. He packed subs, chocolate covered strawberries with raspberries and apple slices We sat for hours and just talked and got to know each other better.

Perfect don't you think. When we got home we went he kissed me softly on the lips like every other cliche movie. Eventually we went inside and showered. In our own bathrooms of course. Everyone came down and we watched movies in the media room. Austin was helping me set up my phone during the movie.

Tiana says we were very cuddled up but he looked very comfortable. I think she even snapped a picture but she says "oh I was putting a pic of our night on the snap". When only I was looking she winked.


The morning after which is today. I got up and made everyone breakfast. There's were a lot of things needed to be done today. All in a short amount of time. Austin's having a celebrity over to record. Only him and the guys know who it is. Only thing we know is that it's a male.

After everything was finished I showered cause I was musty. After I got dressed in some jeans and a grey top. I curled my hair and did my makeup. I painted my nails yesterday so that wasn't a worry.

By the time I was finished I heard the door bell. I walked down to the door and when I opened it there stood. The gorgeous Nick Jonas.

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