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Hot sweaty bodies grinding against each other. Drunk minds making bad decisions. Strangers kissing strangers.

I took a shot and headed out to the dance floor with some friends. Well all found someone and started dancing in a way that our drunken minds thought was cute. A way that gave a guy sexual thoughts.

I turned around and continued to grind our bodies against each other. He tried to kiss me. However as he leaned forward, I leaned backwards falling onto the ground unconsciously.

My eyes openly slowly trying to figure out where I was. I was confused and lost. Two men in a uniform stood over me trying to help me stay conscious.

My eyes shut again and I was out.

I woke up in the hospital the next day I guess. I heard the door open, so I quickly closed my eyes. Someone rushed over and grabbed my hand.

It was Austin and I could tell by the feeling I got. He always knew how to give me butterflies.

"I know we aren't together anymore but I love you. I hate that I let you end things, I should have do more. Please please wake up. I love you and if you wake I will make it right with us. I want you back and for us to be together. I promise when you wake I will take care of you so nothing like this happens again. You won't suffer please wake up" he sniffed.

I waited a minutes and tough about what he said. I want him back bad but I shouldn't. I'm not good for him.

I opened my eyes and tried to speak. However my mouth was dry so a cough came out instead. Everyone looked and rushed around the bed. Tiana handed my me water and Zach pushed the nurses button.

I sipped my water and the cold water rushed down my throat. Finally I felt like I could speak.

"What are you guys doing here" I asked softly.

"Well none of us would be here if you had you not gotten alcohol Poisoning" Robert said.

I rolled my eyes and looked at everyone.

"I missed all my true friends" I smiled slowly repositioning myself.

"Then come back and live with us. We miss all the things you did for us and more importantly we missed you" Alex said.

"That's not the best idea" I started.

"Guys I wanna talk to Brooke alone" Austin said.

Everyone stared at him then finally went outside the door. I'm sure all ears were pinned against the door listening to the conversation of us getting back together and me moving back in.

Austin came and sat in the chair next to my bed. He stared at me trying to fine the correct words.

"I want to make this right" he started.

"Austin please" I said.

"No listen" he yelled.

I was shocked. I've seen Austin upset but right now he was angry. He's eyes looked at me still trying to find words.

"You said you broke up with me for the better, for my career, or any other type of shit but you never asked what I wanted or how I feel" he yelled.

"You never asked me Anyang you just assumed you know better but you don't. You don't know that you breaking up with me cause me to have less work done. There was a point were I stopped doing stuff. Rocco told me if I didn't get my shit together I'd be fired. I stepped up and got it together but not like I used to before when we together" he said trying to stay calm.

"I'm not the same without you. Nothing in my life is the same without you. Please take me back. I know we had a rough patch but I want to work past that and be with you. Any relationship I've had past a year my mother asked me if I saw myself marrying that person and until I've met you I've never been able to say yes. Please let's start a life. We can adopt or do something to have kids whatever it take but I want a life with you and only you" he said in tears.

I was lost for words. He's right I didn't consider his feelings in my decision. I did what I thought was right for me and now he's begging me for all of me for the rest of my life.

He stood looking at me staring at me eager to hear what I had to say.

"Yes" I cried.

Spring BreakHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin